Level 3 ASPs

Level 3 ASPs design overhead and/or underground distribution and Sub-Transmission network assets. If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

Important Document Links:

Contestable Design Team

Northern Region – Drew Bugden P: 07 5506 3838 (Graham Foxwell, Dan Sherwin, Craig McElroy, Cleveland Maltman, David Smith, Steve Cuningham, Martin Tanner)

Central Region – Michael Wilson M: 0488 175 560 (Paul Turley, Cameron Woo, Jason Boundy, Jeena Joseph)

Southern Region – Tom Bollard M: 02 6589 8496 (Micheal Parris, Chris Gorham, Jeremy Bryce, Wayne Armour, Luke Horton)

Complex Team

Level 3 ASPs design overhead and/or underground distribution and Sub-Transmission network assets. If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

Important Document Links:

Contestable Design Team

Northern Region – Drew Bugden P: 07 5506 3838 (Graham Foxwell, Dan Sherwin, Craig McElroy, Cleveland Maltman, David Smith, Steve Cuningham, Martin Tanner)

Central Region – Michael Wilson M: 0488 175 560 (Paul Turley, Cameron Woo, Jason Boundy, Jeena Joseph)

Southern Region – Tom Bollard M: 02 6589 8496 (Micheal Parris, Chris Gorham, Jeremy Bryce, Wayne Armour, Luke Horton)

Complex Team – David Shawcross M: 0437 558 903 (Paul Elston, Troy Dent, Justin Evans, Ben Dalgarno Fixter, Ben Saxon)

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    Photometric Data Files for Essential Energy LED Streetlights

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    The Essential Energy Photometric data files for Standard LED Streetlights,which are used to analyse luminaire photometry and can be used when performing streetlight analysis for contestable works projects, are now available on the Document Library.

    Details on the standard LED Streetlights can be found in the Standard Contestable (Approved) Materials List (CEOM7004).

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Cable Covers (Tiger Tails) and Fault & Emergency Work

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    What is Happening?

    There have been several instances recently where Level 2 ASPs, or in some cases unauthorised trade contractors, have fitted cable covers (tiger tails) to energised overhead service lines.
    As a result of further investigation, it has been identified that confusion exists as to who is authorised to undertake this task. The WorkCover Code of Practice (CoP): Work Near Overhead Power lines provides direction in relation to the implementation of control measures for unauthorised persons working near low voltage overhead service lines.
    Consideration should be given to Eliminating the hazard by deenergising the supply for the duration of the work, and where there is a danger of physical damage to the overhead service its temporary removal. Where this is not practicable, separating the hazard from the worksite may be achieved through the installation of insulating matting and tiger tails at the point of attachment.

    Essential Energy’s response

    Cable covers must only be fitted to energised service lines for the purposes of adherence to the CoP by electrically qualified Essential Energy authorised employees. ASPs and contractors are not authorised to carry out these tasks as this is not classified as Contestable Work, unless working on behalf of Essential Energy under the conditions of a contract can these be installed.

    A Level 2 ASP can however, de-energise and remove a service line for the duration of the proposed works, or fit cable covers on a deenergised service line for mechanical protection and visual indication so long as the covers are removed prior to the installation being reenergised.
    When de-energising a service line, the service connections at the Point of Common Coupling must always be disconnected and made safe. The service line should then be visually assessed to determine its condition. If it is not of sound condition or there are other factors preventing the service removal. The disconnected service is to remain in situ and covered with insulating matting and tiger tails for visual awareness and mechanical protection. Special attention should also be paid to protecting the consumer mains at the Point of Attachment.

    If the service line is deemed to be in sound condition, and providing it is firstly disconnected at the Point of Common Coupling, then disconnect the connections at the Point of Attachment, remove the service from the attachment, and carefully roll up.

    The completely disconnected service can then be secured where practicable to the non-trafficable side of the distribution pole or private pole at a minimum height of 4.6m. If this is not practicable or introduces other hazards, then the service should be removed and stored in a secure location ensuring no physical damage to the service is sustained.

    Before re-energising, precautions must be taken to ensure that the service and electrical installation are in a state suitable for energisation and that all required testing (e.g. insulation resistance, polarity, neutral integrity and phase rotation) has been satisfactorily completed.

    We would also like to remind ASPs are not to undertake any fault and emergency work on Essential Energy assets including services.

    What do you need to do?

    1. All concerns should be directed to the Essential Energy Supply and Interruptions group on 13 20 80
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
    3. Click on the below link for additional information on Essential Energy’s website https://www.essentialenergy.com.au/safety/construction-safety

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Christmas and New Year Planned Outages & Contestable Works

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    What is Happening?

    To minimise the disruption to customers during the Christmas / New Year period, no planned interruptions with a customer impact will be scheduled from 20 December 2019 to 5 January 2020.

    Also Contestable Works will be closed during the same period with business resuming as normal from 6th January 2020.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Review your planned interruption schedule for the dates above and work with your nominated Local Depot Switching Resource to reschedule where required
    2. Minimal processing of emails/documentation or Asset Labels will occur from Contestable Works mailbox during the above mentioned period
    3. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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    BetterConnect - Design

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    What's Happening?

    Over the last twelve months Essential Energy has engaged with ASPs extensively to understand the many pain points you have in dealing with our connections process.

    We are happy to advise that we have recently received approval to implement a pilot product called Salesforce to automate the core Contestable Design Processes. The success of this pilot will assist us in formalisation and implementation of a final solution.

    The project will automate the following processes:


    • Design Information
    • Asset labels
    • Notice of Arrangement Only

    • Design Certification package
    • Easement Documents
    • Enquiry

    This automation will deliver a more efficient process with faster turnaround times, seamless collaboration with Essential Energy Design and Certification staff, and greater transparency of job status.

    This project is the first stage of a larger program of continuous improvement work planned by Essential Energy, with future stages to incorporate more of the Contestable Design processes, as well as construction, commissioning and inspection processes.

    Implementation Approach

    We have engaged an external provider with significant experience in developing process automation. They previously implemented this same product for the automation of the connections process at PowerCor/CitiPower.

    We have also formed a Level 3 ASP Reference Group to work with us through the development stage of the project to ensure what is delivered is fit for purpose for both ASPs and Essential Energy.


    We will communicate progress on the project to all ASPs on a regular basis. Once the system becomes available, we will look at running zoom sessions to demonstrate the system. This will be offered to all interested Level 3 ASPs.

    More information about the BetterConnect project will be included in the October 2019 ASP Forums - see Essential Engagement for more details on forum locations and timing.

    Training and Education

    We are in the process of developing our Training and Education program and will be working with the ASP Reference group to understand the best way to deploy training and education to all Level 3 ASPs.
    We will provide more details on this as we get closer to releasing the system to all ASPs.


    Questions can be directed to: aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Essential Energy customer satisfaction research

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    As part of Essential Energy’s commitment to continuous improvement, we are seeking feedback from our customers and business partners about how easy we are to do business with.

    To facilitate this, we have appointed an independent research organisation, Woolcott Research & Engagement.

    Over the next few weeks, Woolcott may contact you to participate in a survey that will assess your satisfaction with our service delivery and operational performance. Your input is needed to help Essential Energy optimise customer outcomes and ensure our operations are aligned to your needs.

    Essential Energy encourages you to participate and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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    Safety Brief 878 - Essential Energy Aware Tape

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    What is Happening?

    Essential Energy have now adopted the use of plastic tape, called ‘Essential Energy Aware’ tape – which identifies that a site has been visited by one of our workers and that the asset/s have been ‘made safe’.

    This increases visibility for members of the public and to enable Essential Energy to highlight sites which have been assessed and made safe – prior to permanent repairs being carried out at the time, but instead will need to be re-visited at a later stage for the permanent repairs to take place.

    Safety Brief 878 – Essential Energy Aware Tape is being shared for your information and can be accessed from Essential Energy’s Document Library or Essential Engagement.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Reminder Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2019

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    What is Happening?

    As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs, Essential Energy
    are holding the next round of forums. The purpose of these forums is for an ASP to come along and hear
    about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from
    various Essential Energy teams.

    Dates and locations of ASP forums:

    • Lismore Monday 14th October - Lismore Workers Club
    • Port Macquarie Tuesday 15th October - The Westport Club
    • Bathurst Tuesday 22nd October - Panthers Bathurst
    • Dubbo Wednesday 23rd October - West Dubbo Bowling Club (Club Dubbo)
    • Albury Tuesday 29th October - Commercial Club Albury
    • Wagga Wagga Wednesday 30th October - Rules Club Wagga Wagga

    Forums will commence from 5pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine
    venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email
    aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, ASP level, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums.

    Thank you to those that have already expressed interest in attending our forums, please be advise that if you are attending one or more of our forums we require notification, this will enable us to establish the validity of this forum. At this stage some of the locations have small numbers and may be cancelled.

    Brief Agenda Items:

    • Standards News
    • Safety Presentation/Learnings from Incidents
    • CCEW & NOSW Process Changes
    • Designer Platform Integration
    • Better Connect System Upgrade Project Update
    • Design & Certification Process Updates
    • Training News

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP by first Signing In then clicking on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Maclean Power items on Approved Materials List

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    In late April 2019, Maclean Power decided to close all local supply operations to Essential Energy. Its representatives advised that they were willing to accept orders for 200+ items Essential Energy had on contracts/supply arrangements up until 17 May 2019 (effectively providing three weeks’ notice), after which no Accredited Service Provider or Essential Energy could order those items from Maclean Power. To fulfil delivery of goods ordered by 17 May 2019, Maclean Power would remain open until 30 August 2019, but it would cease to be an entity and no deliveries would be made after that date.

    Maclean Power representatives also initially advised, and subsequently confirmed, that these items could not be sourced from a local dealer.

    Since Essential Energy and Accredited Service Providers were unable to place orders with Maclean Power from 17 May 2019, it was removed from our Approved Materials List (AML) on 8 August 2019.

    Change of Position

    On 31 August 2019, Maclean Power sent Essential Energy a letter stating that it had partnered with The Energy Network (TEN) to continue to supply the items it had previously provided into Australia.

    TEN approached us, asking for all Maclean Power items to be reinstated to the AML.

    Next Step

    Given the unforeseen circumstances above, Essential Energy will formally reinstate the majority of Maclean Power items in the next version (Version 48) of the AML. In the interim, Accredited Service Providers can proceed subject to the below, on the basis that Maclean Power products are approved products for use on Essential Energy’s network.

    It is important to note, however, that the 20 items listed below will not be approved for future use on Essential Energy’s network. Accredited Service Providers are granted a 12-month grace period from 11 September 2019 to exhaust stocks of these 20 items:

    Cat. No.


    Maclean Power Part Number


    Hook Tongue 70kN Forged Steel Latched



    Twisted Eye Tongue 70kN Steel



    Eye Tongue Twisted 120kN Steel



    Tongue Clevis 70kN Forged Steel



    Thimble Socket 70kN



    Thimble Clevis 70kN Al



    Thimble Clevis 70kN Cast Iron



    Thimble Stay 160kN 75mm Diam



    Thimble Stay 200kN 150mm Diam



    Clamp Susp 10-25mm Angle Al



    Clamp Susp 6-16mm Angle Al



    Clamp Susp 6-15.9mm Offset



    Clamp 7/3.00 Suspension Al



    Clamp 19/3.75 Suspension Al



    Clamp Susp 21-27mm Trunnion Al



    Ball Eye Link 70kN Forged Steel



    Shackle D Stirrup Assembly 70kN



    Shackle Bow 70kN Forged Steel Clevis Pin



    Shackle Bow 120kN Forged Steel Clevis Pin



    Thimble 20mm Open Galv


    Accredited Service Providers are advised that the above Maclean Power products must not be installed on Essential Energy’s network after 11 September 2020. Where stocks of these materials manufactured by Maclean Power are held it may be pertinent to use them prior to other manufacturers stock prior to the end of the grace period.

    This information will also be communicated during Essential Energy’s ASP forums scheduled in October 2019.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Relocation of third party attachments

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    Essential Energy has existing joint use arrangements and operates Facilities Access Agreements (FAA’s) within the network that allows third-party attachments to be installed on Essential Energy assets, e.g. telecommunication cables on poles.

    Where third-party attachments are impacted as part of the project scope, e.g. to conduct pole relocation or replacement, the Level 3 ASP is responsible for identifying and verifying the third-party attachments and to communicate with the attachment owner as part of the design process. Any impacted third-party attachments are to be identified on the construction plan.

    The Level 1 ASP cannot complete the relocation works of a third-party attachment (unless otherwise agreed with the attachment owner) and must organise the third-party attachment owner to attend site to complete the relocation of their attachment. The attachment owner may charge a fee to conduct the relocation works.

    To facilitate this process, CEOF6586 - Advice of Pole Maintenance Form is to be completed by the Level 1 ASP and sent to the attachment owner as part of the notification for construction. To avoid doubt of the communication cable owner, both Telstra and NBN should be notified, and the confirmed cable owner will respond by returning the form to the Level 1 ASP. The Level 1 ASP is to use the contact details provided on the form to coordinate the construction works.

    This information has now been added to Design Information packs and CEOF6586 - Advice of Pole Maintenance Form is now available on Essential Energy Document Library.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Review the above information and refer to CEOF6586 - Advice of Pole Maintenance located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
    3. View this communication via Essential Engagement at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2019

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    What is Happening?

    As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs, Essential Energy
    are holding the next round of forums. The purpose of these forums is for an ASP to come along and hear
    about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from
    various Essential Energy teams.

    Dates and locations of ASP forums:

    • Lismore Monday 14th October - Lismore Workers Club
    • Port Macquarie Tuesday 15th October - The Westport Club
    • Bathurst Tuesday 22nd October - Panthers Bathurst
    • Dubbo Wednesday 23rd October - West Dubbo Bowling Club (Club Dubbo)
    • Albury Tuesday 29th October - Commercial Club Albury
    • Wagga Wagga Wednesday 30th October - Rules Club Wagga Wagga

    Forums will commence from 5pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine
    venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email
    aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, ASP level, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP click on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

Page last updated: 22 Oct 2024, 07:37 AM