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Update to Non-Conformance Rectification Plans
We recently conducted a review of our non-conformance process and identified several areas where the process could be strengthened. Following consultation with our Accredited Service Provider (ASP) focus group, we will be releasing the revised process on 1 October 2020.
There are two main areas of change:
- introduction of a non-conformance rectification plan and related timeframes, and
- introduction of an appeal process for ASPs to challenge non-conformances.
Non-conformance rectification plan
Our primary concern is to ensure network safety and integrity. To facilitate timely response, ASPs are to provide Essential Energy with a rectification plan within 7 days of a non-conformance notice being issued. Rectification plans for Major non-conformances must be provided within 48 hours. The plan should detail when and how the non-conformances will be resolved, and be e-mailed to the Network Assurance Facilitator in charge of the project with the subject line ‘Non-conformance rectification plan – project number’.
Non-conformances identified on projects not yet energised must be rectified within 30 days to secure network safety and reliability. Projects that are energised must have a CEOF6013 outage request form supplied as part of the paperwork.
Please note that, if the rectification plan and the supporting documentation are not supplied within the required timeframe, Essential Energy may undertake rectification at the expense of the Level 1 ASP responsible for the non-conformance.
An example of a rectification plan is available on the Document Library as a PDF form.
ASP appeals process
We recognise that there can be a level of subjectivity and inconsistency in determining non-conformances. To enable ASPs to challenge non-conformances, we are introducing a formal appeals process (which will be available in the next version of CEOP2015).
To dispute a non-conformance, please detail the facts upon which the appeal is based and attach any relevant information or supporting evidence with your appeal. Appeals should be sent to, with the subject line ‘Non-conformance appeal – project number’.
An appeals panel will meet weekly to review appeals in a timely manner, within 48 hours of your submission we will provide you with the date of the next meeting, requesting additional information, when required, or confirming that the appropriate evidence has been provided to review the appeal
CEOF6013 Request for Planned Outage, Connection or Work Live LV has been updated with an option for Non-Conformance Rectification (Access to Network).
If you have any questions or require assistance in relation to any aspect of our non-conformance process, please contact your local Network Assurance Facilitator.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email