Level 1 ASPs

Level 1 ASP undertake work to extend the overhead and/or underground electricity network or increase the capacity of the existing network.

  • Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 1 Accredited Service Providers;
  • Critical information updates; and
  • Other useful and relevant information

If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

Level 1 ASP undertake work to extend the overhead and/or underground electricity network or increase the capacity of the existing network.

  • Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 1 Accredited Service Providers;
  • Critical information updates; and
  • Other useful and relevant information

If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Safety Brief SB-810 Endeavour Energy HV cable strike and ARC flash incident

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    A recent incident occurred where an Endeavour Energy contractor hit a live High Voltage (HV) underground cable during excavation works with a hand-held power tool.

    The contractor was engaged to prepare a trench as part of an overall program to replace Consac cabling. The Worker was in the trench, clearing material from around the base of a column using a hand-held power tool. The power tool penetrated the wall of the trench, striking a live 11kV cable and an arc fault occurred, the worker received burns to his arms and face.

    Contract workers and Endeavour Energy crews working nearby provided assistance to the injured contractor, who was transported to Royal North Shore Hospital for treatment.

    The initial reports suggest the worker suffered burns to his arms and face which may require a skin graft, however there did not appear to be nerve damage.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Review SB-810 Endeavour Energy Cable Strike and ARC Flash Incident located on Essential Energy's Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Safety Brief SB-811 CONSAC Cable Identification

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    A recent incident occurred where an on-call crew did not identify CONSAC cable correctly, special requirements apply to equipment containing CONSAC cables – workers should review and implement the requirements of CEOP8030.

    An on-call crew were called to a no supply, after inspection it was determined it was in a burnt-out service fuse and street light fuse in a pillar. After completing a risk assessment and discussing the job the service fuse carrier was replaced and supply restored to the house. The on-call crew didn't have a fuse carrier for the street light, so it was made safe and left for another day. All appropriate PPE was utilised.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Review SB-811 CONSAC Cable Identification located on Essential Energy's Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Reminder Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2018

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    As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs Essential Energy are looking at holding forums in regional areas in October. The purpose of these forums is for ASPs to come along and hear about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from various Essential Energy teams, including the safety team, design and certification and training amongst other teams in our business.

    Dates and locations of ASP forums:

    • Port Macquarie 3rd October 2018 (The Westport Club - 25 Buller St Port Macquarie)
    • Lismore 4th October 2018 (Lismore Workers Club - 231 Keen St Lismore)
    • Dubbo 10th October 2018 (Quality Inn Dubbo International - 165 Whylandra St Dubbo)
    • Bathurst 11th October 2018 (Bathurst City Community Club - 29 William St Bathurst)
    • Albury 15th October 2018 (The Albury Club Ltd - 519 Kiewa St Albury)
    • Wagga Wagga 16th October 2018 (The Rules Club - Cnr Fernleigh & Glenfield Rds Wagga Wagga)

    Forums will commence from 6pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums.

    Brief Agenda Items:

    Part 1 - 90 mins

    • Welcome and General ASP Information - what we have done since David Wilson arrived and what the future looks like with Enzen
    • Safety and Authorisation information
    • Level 3 Design Certification - update on changes and future work being undertaken in the area
    • Asset Inspection - Defect trends identified
    • Level 2 portal and SWF information - what information ASPs need to load in to our systems to make sure work is progressed and changes to what we require
    • Update on Standards
    • Training Requirements
    • Tyree Presentation

    Part 2 – 60 mins

    • Subject Matter Experts (SME) spread across the room allowing ASPs to meet key people and discuss issues

    Thank you to those that have already expressed interest in attending our forums.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP click on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

    Further information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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    Reminder ASP Registration and Authorisation for Non-Electrically Qualified Workers

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    On 9th September 2016, the NSW Government gazetted changes to the NSW Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Scheme Rules (the Scheme). This revision introduced new Level 1 and 2 classifications for non-electrically qualified personnel (Class 1X or Class 2X – Non-electrically qualified).

    ASPs must ensure all non-electrically qualified workers are registered with the Scheme prior to submitting an authorisation application to Essential Energy; this includes both initial authorisations and renewal of existing authorised workers.

    Essential Energy will, on receipt of a valid and successful applications, authorise the ASP worker(s) aligned to the new class(es) of accreditation and issue a new authorisation card.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Review the briefing paper titled ‘20180910_Briefing - Non-Electrically Qualified Workers’ located on Essential Energy's Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

    Further information

    If you need further information, please email authorisations@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2018

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    As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs Essential Energy are looking at holding forums in regional areas in October. The purpose of these forums is for ASPs to come along and hear about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from various Essential Energy teams, including the safety team, design and certification and training amongst other teams in our business.

    Dates and locations of ASP forums:

    • Port Macquarie 3rd October 2018
    • Lismore 4th October 2018
    • Dubbo 10th October 2018
    • Bathurst 11th October 2018
    • Albury 15th October 2018
    • Wagga Wagga 16th October 2018

    Forums will commence from 6pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums, further information on the content of the forums will be provided closer to the events.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP, click on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
    Further information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Opportunity to meet Scott Steele from Tyree Industries

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    Opportunity to meet and discuss issues with Scott Steele, Tyree Industries

    Tyree Industries wants to engage with Level 1 ASPs within Essential Energy network area who utilise pole mounted transformers and substation pads procured from Essential Energy and other suppliers.
    To facilitate this, Scott Steele has been appointed as the senior contact within Tyree Industries.
    Scott plans to do a road trip to meet with Level 1 ASPs to better understand your needs and any issues associated with the procurement process.
    In the meantime, Scott will be happy to assist with any questions you have and can be contacted via:

    Scott Steele
    General Manager Sales & Export
    Tyree Industries
    T: 02 4872 6177

    Scott Steele

    Based in Mittagong in the NSW Southern Highlands, Scott has been General Manager Sales & Export with Tyree Industries for the last six years.
    He has over 25 years’ experience with global multi-national manufacturers in various roles, including selling MV/HV switchgear and protection products, distribution and power transformers up to 550KV, 500MVA and turn-key substations.
    Scott also has experience in running a service and installation company, looking after products from cradle to grave.

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    Ring Fencing – Provider of Last Resort

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    Ring Fencing – Provider of Last Resort

    Ring-fencing regulations were introduced on 1 January 2018 to support the creation of a level playing field for providers of contestable services in new and existing NSW markets.
    Essential Energy is only able to provide contestable services in limited circumstances:

    • In regionally exempt depots; or
    • Where acting as a provider of last resort
    If a customer is unable to obtain the services of a third party, they may request that Essential Energy undertake the work as a Provider of Last Resort.
    For more information relating to Ring Fencing – Provider of Last Resort please download the Q & A’s located on our Document Library.

    What do you need to do?
    1. Review & download the Provider of Last Resort Q & A’s located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Distribution joint and termination installation new training sessions

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    Important reminder to authorised cable jointers

    As previously advised, the Standard for installing distribution joint and termination equipment has been updated and has become mandatory from 1 July 2018.

    Additionally, Essential Energy will limit the choice of distribution joint and termination items for installation on our network to those supplied by DT Jointing Solutions Pty Ltd, and require you to use the QR code process for any joint or termination installed.

    If you hold a cable jointing authorisation and to date if you have not completed the awareness training required to gain approval to install new DT joints on our network. You are now unable to continue to perform cable jointing on our network, until you complete this awareness training.

    We are scheduling two more free courses that will be held in the below locations:

    • Goulburn 11 September 2018
    • Grafton 4 September 2018

    You are encouraged to make contact ASAP to enrol, as we have not scheduled any future sessions for this course.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please register your interest in attending a training course by contacting our Training Team, via email to trainingservicesadmin@essentialenergy.com.au, as soon as possible and include your full name, location and authorisation number.
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

    Once minimum numbers are achieved to run these courses, an invitation and course confirmation will be provided.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

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    Bill of Materials & Construction Drawing Requirements

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    CEOF6709 – Bill of Materials (BoM) – Update on implementation.

    Essential Energy recently introduced a Bill of Materials (BoM) as a requirement of the contestable works design certification process. The aim of the new requirement is to improve the process for our Level 3 ASP partners and customers by capturing data required for Gifted Assets valuation in a consolidated format. This will streamline and simplify the valuation process, saving time and cost.

    However, the feedback we’ve since received from our ASP stakeholders clearly indicates that the full extent of the BOM’s impacts on ASPs and customers was not well understood prior to the initial roll out.
    In line with our commitment made earlier this year in our Contestable Works co-design sessions, we have taken this feedback on board and have placed implementation of the Bill of Materials requirement on hold pending further consultation.

    Further updates and advice will be provided as we progress a review of the requirement.

    CEOM7001 – Construction Drawing Requirements

    Review of CEOM7001 is now complete and a new version of the manual is available in Essential Energy’s document library. The manual has been updated to align with current process and internal mains design, including some revisions that will allow us to identify existing and new infrastructure or conductors and cables more easily.
    Additional drawing examples are being developed that align to internal Network Design drawing sheets and are suitable for integration to the Small World GIS System.
    We’ve received several questions regarding the process and timeframe for transitioning from the previous requirement. We understand from the feedback received that our ASP designers need time to introduce the drawing changes into their design and certification submission processes.
    Therefore, any designs submitted before 13 August 2018 that comply with construction drawing requirements described in the previous version of CEOM7001 will be accepted and assessed for certification.
    We expect all designs submitted from 13 August 2018 will align to the requirements described in the revised CEOM7001.

    What do you need to do?
    1. Review & download the latest version of CEOM7001 located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Distribution joint and termination installation training

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    Important reminder to authorised cable jointers

    As previously advised, the Standard for installing distribution joint and termination equipment has been updated and has become mandatory from 1 July 2018.

    Additionally, Essential Energy will limit the choice of distribution joint and termination items for installation on our network to those supplied by DT Jointing Solutions Pty Ltd, and require you to use the QR code process for any joint or termination installed.

    You may hold a cable jointing authorisation and to date if you have not completed the awareness training required to gain approval to install joints on our network safely, and in compliance with the updated standard, post 1 July 2018 you will be unable to continue to perform cable jointing on our network, until you complete awareness training.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Please register your interest in attending a training course by contacting our Training Team, via email to trainingservicesadmin@essentialenergy.com.au, as soon as possible and include your full name, location and authorisation number
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
    Once minimum numbers are achieved course costs will be provided dependent on location.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 02:40 PM