Level 1 ASPs
Level 1 ASP undertake work to extend the overhead and/or underground electricity network or increase the capacity of the existing network.
- Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 1 Accredited Service Providers;
- Critical information updates; and
- Other useful and relevant information
If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
Level 1 ASP undertake work to extend the overhead and/or underground electricity network or increase the capacity of the existing network.
- Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 1 Accredited Service Providers;
- Critical information updates; and
- Other useful and relevant information
If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Essential Energy to no longer supply sealing pliers and sealing equipment
As previously communicated in Essential Energy is no longer providing Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) with sealing pliers and seals.
This is a reminder for ASP’s that have paid a security deposit for sealing pliers to either:
Return those sealing pliers to Essential Energy before 30 June 2024, and Essential Energy will provide a refund* of the security deposit paid by the ASP in respect of those sealing pliers.
Sealing Plier Return Postal Address
Network Authorisations Essential Energy
122 Queen Street
Grafton NSW 2460
Please provide bank account details for security deposit refund.
Advise Essential Energy that the ASP wishes to keep the Essential Energy supplied sealing pliers, and Essential Energy will retain the ASPs security deposit as payment for the sealing pliers.
*For an ASP to receive a refund of their security deposit from Essential Energy, the sealing pliers must be returned to Essential Energy in a sound useable condition with all dies present (as per Essential Energy’s Operational Procedure: Electrical Inspection: Distribution and Maintenance of Sealing Pliers and Security Seals (CEOP2031) can be downloaded from Essential Energy Document Library).
Any ASP who does not return their sealing pliers supplied by Essential Energy before June 30 2024 will forfeit their security deposit paid to Essential Energy, and the sealing pliers in the ASPs possession will transfer to the ASPs ownership and be at the ASPs risk.
What do you need to do?
Please share this communication with relevant people in your organisation.
Further Information
For any assistance or enquires regarding this new process please contact the network authorisations team via email authorisations@essentialenergy.com.au or phone 02 6643 7850.
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We’ve refreshed our Essential Energy Brand
Over the coming weeks, you’ll see Essential Energy look a little different. Our logo has been updated, and the look and feel of our communications is being refreshed.
You’ll start seeing these changes from 4 June progressively across our websites, portals and digital channels, and in our correspondence, documentation and more.
Our two logos will coexist for a while, so you may see our old and new brands in various channels and communications materials at the same time.
Here’s a look at our new logo.
While our Essential Energy logo has changed, who we are and what we do remains unchanged.
Thanks for working with us to enable energy solutions that improve life for our customers and communities.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Draft Ancillary Network Services 2024-29
Essential Energy recently received the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Final Distribution Determination for Ancillary Network Services covering the 2024-29 Regulatory Control Period (RCP). This determination regulates the pricing structure for Essential Energy to provide services to external customers.
What does this mean for you?
From 1 July 2024, Essential Energy will implement approved Ancillary Network Services as per the AER’s determination.
To help you understand any changes in services and charges, we will be developing supporting information and guidelines for ASPs shortly. These documents will be located on Essential Energy’s Document Library and we will communicate when they are available.
Please note, however, that throughout the 2024-29 RCP, Essential Energy may introduce several new regulatory services in targeted areas, based on external feedback, statutory changes and to better reflect the way services are provided.
Additionally, implementation of the AER’s determination by Essential Energy from 1 July 2024 will incur CPI and other cost increases each year until 30 June 2029. ASPs should review service and price changes when preparing quotations for future work.
Where is information about the changes available?
- Read more about the determination, and access the draft full-service pricing on AER website via Essential Energy - 2024-25 Price List - 20 May 2024 (AER)
- Visit the AER website to view all documents associated with the final determination at Essential Energy - Determination 2024-29 (AER). For ease of reference, Attachment 16 on the AER website outlines the new charges for Ancillary Network Services: AER Final Decision Attachment 16 - Alternative Control Services.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
What to do with your digital ID when you move to a different mobile phone
What is happening?
In September 2023 Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) started to transition from physical identification cards to Digital IDs. This communication is to provide clarification on what to do when you change mobile phones.
The Digital ID will not move across to a different mobile phone and your ID credentials will need to be re-issued for the new phone. To action this, please email Essential Energy security, eesecurity@essentialenergy.com.au to let them know you are changing devices and ask for your credentials to be re-issued. Once you receive the new credentials please follow the original instructions.
What do you need to do?
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- Contact Essential Energy security, eesecurity@essentialenergy.com.au, when you change mobile phones.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email Essential Energy Security at eesecurity@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Bushfire Priority rating for Assets
IMPORTANT: Essential Energy have updated our Bush Fire Priority Ratings
Over the past 12 months, Essential Energy has updated their Bushfire Priority Ratings (BPR). The modelling used to determine the ratings has been improved through the energy networks Australia project IGNIS. This was a joint collaboration between several utilities and the University of Melbourne. For more information relation to the bushfire modelling change please click here.
What this means is that many areas that were a Priority 1 have changed and other areas in the state have been updated to Priority 1.
The map below shows the changes.
We store these BPRs in our GIS system. The GIS data has now been updated and pole reports and information in your Design Information Packs will now have the new BPR - P1 to P4.
Remember that P1 areas require specific design parameters for circuit clearance. Refer to CEOM7097 – Overhead Design Manual, Clause 3-4-4-4 Special requirements for bushfire risk areas.
NEARA GIS parameters
Designers would be aware that NEARA has GIS information when you select a pole.
Please note unfortunately, due to technical reasons, these BPR changes are not yet reflected within the GIS shown in Neara against each pole. Until the network model in Neara is updated, you will need to refer to the “Additional Properties” panel against each pole selected.
See the screenshots below for help in finding this data.
Please update your inflight designs from the master file to view the updated bushfire risk priority in the additional properties panel for each pole.
The links below will assist you in updating your design from the master file.
All of Essential Energy’s how-to guides and training videos are available on Essential Energy’s Digital Asset Management page at the link below.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above information and check the design information for latest Bushfire Priority Ratings.
- When in NEARA, please refer to the BPR noted in the Additional Properties Panel.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Contestable Design new team allocations
What is Happening?
We’ve created a new Central Team under our Manager of Contestable Design, Glenn Leman.
The below map shows the depots that are within each of these three regions.
Meet the teams
Northern Region – Drew Bugden P: 07 5506 3838
- Graham Foxwell, Dan Sherwin, Craig McElroy, Cleveland Maltman, David Smith, Steve Cuningham, Martin Tanner
Central Region – Michael Wilson M: 0488 175 560
- Paul Turley, Cameron Woo, Jason Boundy, Jeena Joseph
Southern Region – Tom Bollard M: 02 6589 8496
- Micheal Parris, Chris Gorham, Jeremy Bryce, Wayne Armour, Luke Horton
Complex Team – David Shawcross M: 0437 558 903
- Paul Elston, Troy Dent, Justin Evans, Ben Dalgarno Fixter, Ben Saxon
Case allocations
Based on project location postcodes, cases submitted into the portal are automatically allocated to the relevant region queues. Sometimes if we’re experiencing a workload spike in your project’s region, your case may be allocated to a person from a different region.
Escalation process
If you're having difficulties with a project, please contact the Design and Certification officer via our Essential Connections Portal or by phone (on the number supplied in the Design information pack), or the Team Leader. If you remain concerned, you can escalate your difficulties to Glenn Leman, either by e-mail via glenn.leman@essentialenergy.com.au, or mobile on 0467 866 192.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above information and attached map.
- Save the Team Leaders contact details Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Recording of the ASP Forum content – May 2024
What is Happening?
The Essential Energy ASP Forum (zoom) was held on 1 May 2024. The links to supporting material are listed below.
- Link to Forum slide deck click here
- Link to ASP Forum recording click here
What do you need to do?
- Review the slide deck and watch the recording of the ASP Forum May 2024
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Maintenance Outage – Secure Web Forms
Please be advised that maintenance will occur on Tuesday 30 April 2024 4pm to 5pm. During this time Secure Web Forms (SWF) will be unavailable.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Reminder: Notice to Commence Construction and Notice of Required Outage/Connection Requests
Important Notice: Outage Scheduling and Contestable Works Process
Essential Energy has observed instances where outages have been scheduled prior to the submission of CEOF6012 - Notice to Commence Construction (NTCC). Additionally in some cases, easements have not yet been finalised, resulting in some outages requiring rescheduling.
To streamline our processes and ensure smoother project execution, please note the following:
- NTCC Submission: A CEOF6013 - Notice of Required Outage/Connection request will not be processed until an NTCC has been accepted and a startup meeting scheduled.
- Contestable Works Submission: For projects not being administered via Essential Connection, all forms must be emailed to contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.
Note, outage requests will only be processed via the contestable works inbox after the NTCC has been processed.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Register for Essential Energy’s ASP forum May 2024 – via Zoom
What is Happening?
Essential Energy’s Biannual ASP engagement forum will be held on 1 May 2024 via Zoom. In this round, we’ll be covering a range of topics including:
- Safety
- Overhead Standards Essential Connections Portal, including the Construction rollout
- Details of surveyor’s advice, asset location survey plan
- Network Assurance update, including Level 1 ASP aged defects and Level 2 ASP process assessments
- Contestable Network Solutions, contestable projects which include working with neighbours and the planning report
- Ancillary Network Service fees
- Dedicated question time.
We encourage you to participate in this forum. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss our plans and initiatives, and to ask questions or raise issues with Essential Energy team members.
The forum will be held on Wednesday 1 May 2024 from 10.00am to 12.00 noon – please click here to register.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
Who's Listening
Phone 02 6933 5956 Email hamish.wheatley@essentialenergy.com.au
Essential Connections
Briefing – CEOM7098 issue 16 - Underground Design manual changes (382 KB) (pdf)
Bushfire Priority Zone Transition BFP ASP Comms (101 MB) (mp4)
Asset Testing and Commissioning Refresher - ASP Training Enrolment Guide (962 KB) (pdf)
Composite Pole Journey and FAQ's (694 KB) (pdf)
Essential Energy - Digital Identification User Guide.pdf (1.87 MB) (pdf)
Safety Briefs/Alerts
Essential Connections Portal Preview (1.21 MB) (mp4)
Construction News
CN24-12 CEOM7104.20 Construction Standard Update - Pole Substation Fuse Crossarms Assemblies (138 KB) (pdf)
CN24-11 Composite Pole CEOM7103 Stay Standards Update (151 KB) (pdf)
CN 20-10 Correct Transformer Connections (469 KB) (pdf)
CN24-10 CEOM5005 Chamber Substation Design and Construction Manual Update (154 KB) (pdf)