Level 2 ASPs

Level 2 ASPs install overhead or underground service lines between the electrical wiring on a Connection Applicant’s premise and the electricity network. This includes connecting service lines to the network and making the connection live.

  • Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 2 Accredited Service Providers;
  • Critical information updates; and
  • Other useful and relevant information.

If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

Level 2 ASPs install overhead or underground service lines between the electrical wiring on a Connection Applicant’s premise and the electricity network. This includes connecting service lines to the network and making the connection live.

  • Proactive discussions, engagement and insights from Level 2 Accredited Service Providers;
  • Critical information updates; and
  • Other useful and relevant information.

If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update 5: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence protective industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    The ETU has notified Essential Energy of further proposed protective industrial action commencing on Thursday 29 August 2024 and each consecutive day up to and including Monday 2 September 2024.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update 4: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence protective industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    Essential Energy has not been notified of any form of protected industrial action for tomorrow, Friday 23 August.

    The ETU has notified Essential Energy of further proposed protective industrial action commencing on Saturday 24 August 2024 and each consecutive day up to and including Wednesday 28 August 2024.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Essential Connections information and help sessions

    Support for Essential Connections Portal.

    Essential Energy will be hosting opt-in support sessions for Level 2 ASPs and Electrical Contactors with questions relating to the Essential Connections Portal. Sessions will run for 1 hour – please drop in anytime, you can ask a quick question or stay as long as you choose.

    Click the ‘Register here’ link for the session that suits you. Tip! Save into your calendar or note down the joining details (Meeting ID and passcode).




    27 August

    28 August

    29 August

    8 am - 9 am

    Register here

    8 am - 9 am

    Register here

    8 am - 9 am

    Register here

    What do you need to do?

    1. Ensure you are registered to attend the support sessions.
    2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Updated Essential Energy Connection Policy

    What’s happening?

    We’ve updated our Connection Policy CEOP2513.06 to align with emerging network and customer requirements.

    Effective from 1 July 2024, the updated policy applies to all customers seeking to connect or alter an existing connection – including regulated Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS) – to Essential Energy’s distribution system under Chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules.

    We’ll provide further updates and advice as we implement the updated requirements.

    Key updates include:

    • clarity on situations where works which would normally be provided on a contestable basis may be classified as non-contestable
    • clarity on when Essential Energy may provide financial contribution towards a connection augmentation
    • thresholds for regulated SAPS
    • provision to reduce an approved connection size through consultation and in good faith, in alignment with our recently released Model Standing Offers.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
    2. Review the updated Connection Policy on Document Library.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update 3: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence protective industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    The ETU has notified Essential Energy of further proposed protective industrial action commencing on Wednesday 21 August 2024 and Thursday 22 August 2024.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update 2: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence protective industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    The ETU has notified Essential Energy of further proposed protective industrial action commencing on Saturday 17 August 2024 and each consecutive day up to and including Tuesday 20 August 2024.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update 1: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence protective industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) has notified Essential Energy of further proposed protective industrial action commencing on Thursday 15 August 2024 and Friday 16 August 2024.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Update: Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy

    As per our communications from 6 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence industrial action effective from 8 August 2024.

    Essential Energy has received further notice of a range of indefinite or periodic bans, including limitations on work tasks and activities. We expect rolling industrial action to continue to take place in the short term and will continue to keep you updated.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, you will need to complete and submit a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    CEOP2015 Contestable Works Guidelines, Terms and Conditions has been revised

    What is happening?

    A revised version of the CEOP2015 Contestable Works Guidelines, Terms and Conditions for Contestable Works is available in the Document Library.

    It has been reviewed and updated in its entirely to enhance clarity and reflect current processes, including rollout of Construction in the Essential Connections portal.

    Section 8 Revisions provides a summary of major changes.

    While many updates based on feedback from ASPs and internal stakeholders have been incorporated, some recommendations have been logged for further exploration. Any agreed or approved revisions will be included in future updates.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
    2. Review the document, on the Document Library

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Electrical Trades Union Protected Industrial Action at Essential Energy


    On 1 August 2024, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) provided notice to Essential Energy of its intention to commence industrial action effective from 8 August 2024, with rolling one (1) hour stoppages for participating ETU members.

    Essential Energy has also received notice of a range of other indefinite or periodic bans, including limitations on the following work tasks and activities:

    • Use of a specified range of Information Technology programs and Applications
    • Certifying and inspecting Accredited Service Providers’ (ASPs) designs and projects
    • Verification on Life Support Customers for planned outages
    • Field Staff Switching – meaning that power will not be switched off which will prevent certain planned works from going ahead
    • Locking or unlocking of equipment including electrical cabinets, electrical equipment, switching stations and other hardware devices
    • Issuing of access permits (other than during fault and emergency conditions) and field access authorities for non-Essential Energy employees
    • Creating or writing planned switching sheets.

    Some of the cited actions include a Safety Commitment that ensures a level of employees being available for fault and emergency.

    The safety of our employees, customers and the wider community remains our number one priority. We are reprioritising work to ensure urgent and critical work can be performed as required, and Essential Energy will continue to respond to fault and emergency work throughout the industrial action to help ensure a safe and reliable power supply for all customers.

    Potential Impacts

    The planned industrial action is likely to create unavoidable disruptions for ASPs, contractors and customers through the possible postponement of planned work. ASPs will receive notice of planned work being postponed on the morning of the job. Notice will be provided through a phone call or email that morning.

    Any job that is postponed will need to be resubmitted via the Essential Connection Portal. For projects not being administered via the Essential Connections Portal, a ‘Request for Planned Outage’ form CEOP6013 will need to be completed and submitted via contestableworks@essentialenergy.com.au.

    What do you need to do?

    Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

    Further Information

    If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.

Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 02:38 PM