Level 3 ASPs
Level 3 ASPs design overhead and/or underground distribution and Sub-Transmission network assets. If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
Important Document Links:
Contestable Design Team
Northern Region – Drew Bugden P: 07 5506 3838 (Graham Foxwell, Dan Sherwin, Craig McElroy, Cleveland Maltman, David Smith, Steve Cuningham, Martin Tanner)
Central Region – Michael Wilson M: 0488 175 560 (Paul Turley, Cameron Woo, Jason Boundy, Jeena Joseph)
Southern Region – Tom Bollard M: 02 6589 8496 (Micheal Parris, Chris Gorham, Jeremy Bryce, Wayne Armour, Luke Horton)
Complex TeamContinue reading
Level 3 ASPs design overhead and/or underground distribution and Sub-Transmission network assets. If you need further information or support, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au.
Important Document Links:
Contestable Design Team
Northern Region – Drew Bugden P: 07 5506 3838 (Graham Foxwell, Dan Sherwin, Craig McElroy, Cleveland Maltman, David Smith, Steve Cuningham, Martin Tanner)
Central Region – Michael Wilson M: 0488 175 560 (Paul Turley, Cameron Woo, Jason Boundy, Jeena Joseph)
Southern Region – Tom Bollard M: 02 6589 8496 (Micheal Parris, Chris Gorham, Jeremy Bryce, Wayne Armour, Luke Horton)
Complex Team – David Shawcross M: 0437 558 903 (Paul Elston, Troy Dent, Justin Evans, Ben Dalgarno Fixter, Ben Saxon)
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Safety Brief SB-817 Electrical Safety Rules Issue 16
What is happening?Essential Energy’s Electrical Safety Office (ESO) has completed a full review and update of CEOP8030 - Electrical Safety Rules (ESR’s) to incorporate recent Safety Briefs, Incident Investigation recommendations, audit findings and industry developments.There are no major policy or procedural changes in this update. All changes are summarised in the Revisions section at the end of the document.What do you need to do?- Review the revisions section on the final pages of CEOP8030 - Electrical Safety Rules (ESR’s) located on the Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- View this communication via Essential Engagement at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au -
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Christmas and New Year Planned Outages & Contestable Works
What is Happening?To minimise the disruption to customers during the Christmas / New Year period, no planned interruptions with a customer impact will be scheduled from 22 December 2018 to 6 January 2019.Also Contestable Works will be closed during the same period with business resuming as normal from 7th January 2019.What do you need to do?- Review your planned interruption schedule for the dates above and work with your nominated Local Depot Switching Resource to reschedule where required
- Minimal processing of emails/documentation or Asset Labels will occur from Contestable Works mailbox during the above mentioned period
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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Reminder Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2018
As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs Essential Energy are looking at holding forums in regional areas in October. The purpose of these forums is for ASPs to come along and hear about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from various Essential Energy teams, including the safety team, design and certification and training amongst other teams in our business.Dates and locations of ASP forums:- Port Macquarie 3rd October 2018 (The Westport Club - 25 Buller St Port Macquarie)
- Lismore 4th October 2018 (Lismore Workers Club - 231 Keen St Lismore)
- Dubbo 10th October 2018 (Quality Inn Dubbo International - 165 Whylandra St Dubbo)
- Bathurst 11th October 2018 (Bathurst City Community Club - 29 William St Bathurst)
- Albury 15th October 2018 (The Albury Club Ltd - 519 Kiewa St Albury)
- Wagga Wagga 16th October 2018 (The Rules Club - Cnr Fernleigh & Glenfield Rds Wagga Wagga)
Forums will commence from 6pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums.Brief Agenda Items:Part 1 - 90 mins- Welcome and General ASP Information - what we have done since David Wilson arrived and what the future looks like with Enzen
- Safety and Authorisation information
- Level 3 Design Certification - update on changes and future work being undertaken in the area
- Asset Inspection - Defect trends identified
- Level 2 portal and SWF information - what information ASPs need to load in to our systems to make sure work is progressed and changes to what we require
- Update on Standards
- Training Requirements
- Tyree Presentation
Part 2 – 60 mins- Subject Matter Experts (SME) spread across the room allowing ASPs to meet key people and discuss issues
Thank you to those that have already expressed interest in attending our forums.What do you need to do?- Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP click on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further informationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au -
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Easement Document Changes
What is happening?As a result of changes in NSW Land Registry Services, and in an effort to improve our services, Essential Energy has recently amended the following documents:Easement Requirements CEOP8046This Policy has now been amended to correct minor formatting and to provide:- As a result of changes in NSW Land Registry Services, and in an effort to improve our services, Essential Energy has recently amended the following documents:
- Where no electrical work is required, a Surveyor may sign Operational Form CEOF9091 Easements: Advice for Suitability of Easement Documentation. A Surveyor is also now defined.
- Requirements for easements in Western Lands Leases.
- Requirements for easements in National Parks.
- Update to the Power of Attorney details.
- Easement documents may be submitted to Essential Energy prior to being signed by the Landowner (at Essential Energy’s discretion).
Suitability of Easement Documentation CEOF9091A requirement for the correct submission of easement documentation to Essential Energy is the completion of Operational Form CEOF9091 Easements: Advice for Suitability of Easement Documentation (CEOF9091).This document must be filled in and submitted by the customer’s chosen Level 3 Accredited Service Provider (ASP) together with any easement documentation requested to be executed/signed by Essential Energy.To avoid unnecessary delays and assist with Essential Energy efficiently processing easement documentation, CEOF9091 should be provided with the easement documentation.CEOF9091 should only be provided by the ASP responsible for producing the design for a contestable works project. In circumstances where a Level 3 ASP is not producing a design drawing, it may be acceptable for a Registered Surveyor to complete the document (at the discretion of Essential Energy).For further advice, please refer to the ASP Broadcast previously issued in October 2017 and Essential Energy’s Easement Requirements policy CEOP8046.Advice of Creation of Easement CEOF9090Following registration of the easement, Essential Energy requires Operational Form CEOF9090 Creation of Easement: Solicitor/Licensed Conveyancer’s Advice to be provided including supporting documents, being a copy of:- the title search showing the registered easement;
- registered dealing creating the easement; and
- registered plan.
CEOF9090 has been amended and updated to allow the form to be completed by any person rather than being limited to a Solicitor or Licenced Conveyancer.Creation of Easements: For Services CEOF6496Minor amendments to this Operational Form have been made to reflect the change of name from Land and Property Information NSW to Land Registry Services.Creation of Easement: Customer and Landowner Deeds CEOF6274 a to eIn addition to minor formatting changes, Annexure C, Confirmation of Instructions has been amended to allow for the electronic or manual lodgement of caveats.Where applicable, an example letter requesting a bank guarantee and detailing Essential Energy’s requirements is now an annexure to the Deeds. The relevant clause detailing the requirement for a bank guarantee now also includes the information required on the bank guarantee.Easement ReleasesAdditional approvals are required to release easements in favour of Essential Energy or its predecessors.To avoid delays, it is recommended requests for releases are identified early and submitted as soon as possible. Essential Energy will accept release requests prior to receiving formal release documents such as Section 88B Instruments or LRS form 20ECE Cancellation or Extinguishment of an Easement.A request for release of easement form should be completed and submitted to conveyancingteam@essentialenergy.com.auPlease be aware that easement release requests will require additional documentation to be presented including but not limited to the title search of the affected lot; the registered easement dealing together with the registered plan. The application form and an Information Sheet are now available on Essential Energy’s Document Library under the category of Easements.When will the changes be implemented?Essential Energy will continue to accept the current versions of the above forms up to and including 31 December 2018. The new forms will be available from September 2018.What do you need to do?- Review & download the latest versions of these documents located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au -
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Essential Energy ASP Forums October 2018
As part of our commitment to improve our relationship and communications with ASPs Essential Energy are looking at holding forums in regional areas in October. The purpose of these forums is for ASPs to come along and hear about the latest news in the ASP space and to ask questions or raise issues with representatives from various Essential Energy teams, including the safety team, design and certification and training amongst other teams in our business.Dates and locations of ASP forums:- Port Macquarie 3rd October 2018
- Lismore 4th October 2018
- Dubbo 10th October 2018
- Bathurst 11th October 2018
- Albury 15th October 2018
- Wagga Wagga 16th October 2018
Forums will commence from 6pm at the above locations, with light refreshments available. To determine venue sizes we would appreciate any ASPs who wish to attend complete a survey or email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au with company name, numbers attending, which forum you will be attending and anything you would like to see at our forums, further information on the content of the forums will be provided closer to the events.What do you need to do?- Please complete the survey at engage.essentialenergy.com.au/ASP, click on your relevant ASP level, then go into Surveys & Forms
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further informationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.
Ring Fencing – Provider of Last Resort
Ring Fencing – Provider of Last ResortRing-fencing regulations were introduced on 1 January 2018 to support the creation of a level playing field for providers of contestable services in new and existing NSW markets.Essential Energy is only able to provide contestable services in limited circumstances:- In regionally exempt depots; or
- Where acting as a provider of last resort
If a customer is unable to obtain the services of a third party, they may request that Essential Energy undertake the work as a Provider of Last Resort.For more information relating to Ring Fencing – Provider of Last Resort please download the Q & A’s located on our Document Library.What do you need to do?- Review & download the Provider of Last Resort Q & A’s located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au -
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Bill of Materials & Construction Drawing Requirements
CEOF6709 – Bill of Materials (BoM) – Update on implementation.
Essential Energy recently introduced a Bill of Materials (BoM) as a requirement of the contestable works design certification process. The aim of the new requirement is to improve the process for our Level 3 ASP partners and customers by capturing data required for Gifted Assets valuation in a consolidated format. This will streamline and simplify the valuation process, saving time and cost.
However, the feedback we’ve since received from our ASP stakeholders clearly indicates that the full extent of the BOM’s impacts on ASPs and customers was not well understood prior to the initial roll out.In line with our commitment made earlier this year in our Contestable Works co-design sessions, we have taken this feedback on board and have placed implementation of the Bill of Materials requirement on hold pending further consultation.Further updates and advice will be provided as we progress a review of the requirement.CEOM7001 – Construction Drawing RequirementsReview of CEOM7001 is now complete and a new version of the manual is available in Essential Energy’s document library. The manual has been updated to align with current process and internal mains design, including some revisions that will allow us to identify existing and new infrastructure or conductors and cables more easily.Additional drawing examples are being developed that align to internal Network Design drawing sheets and are suitable for integration to the Small World GIS System.We’ve received several questions regarding the process and timeframe for transitioning from the previous requirement. We understand from the feedback received that our ASP designers need time to introduce the drawing changes into their design and certification submission processes.Therefore, any designs submitted before 13 August 2018 that comply with construction drawing requirements described in the previous version of CEOM7001 will be accepted and assessed for certification.We expect all designs submitted from 13 August 2018 will align to the requirements described in the revised CEOM7001.
What do you need to do?- Review & download the latest version of CEOM7001 located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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Process Improvements June 2018
Design Information Package (DIP) Validity Period
In response to feedback we’ve received from ASPs that validity of a Design Information Package (DIP) for four months is not long enough and does not align with provisions by other DNSPs, Essential Energy has extended the timeframe.
Commencing immediately, all DIPs issued will be valid for a period of 180 days.
All current DIP’s which have been issued and have not yet expired will also now be valid for a total of 180 days.
CEOM7001 - Asset Management and Engineering: Network Mains Design - Construction Drawing Requirements
Revision of our Construction Drawing manual has been finalised and the updated version has been published for external release. Thank you for your patience during the revision process.
Please note that the document now incorporates a comprehensive drawing checklist under section 7 ‘Detail Overview Required for Construction Plans’, which should be utilised when reviewing construction plans prior to submission to Contestable Works.
CEOF6708 - Asset Label Request Form
In response to feedback we’ve received from ASPs that asset label issuing often takes longer than expected (potentially delaying design certification submission, as they are often the final component required to complete a design), we have changed our issuing process.
Asset labels can now be requested via a newly created Operational Form - CEOF6708. This will shorten the issuing timeframe.
CEOF6709 - Contestable Works - Bill of Materials (BOM)
As per clause 5.5.18 of CEOP2015 - General Terms and Conditions for Contestable Works, a Bill of Materials (BOM) is required to be submitted as part of the design certification submission package.
A new Operational Form - CEOF6709 has been created for listing the construction items required for the project and reflect the assets on the construction plan. The BOM should only contain items which are listed within Essential Energy’s manual CEOM7004 - Construction Materials Inventory: Standard Contestable (Approved) Materials List (AML).
Please note that from 1 August 2018, the BOM will be formally required with each Design Submission.
What do you need to do?
- Review & download the latest version of these documents located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
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IPART Reviews of the NSW Energy Market
IMPORTANT: Commencement of IPART Reviews of the NSW Energy MarketBelow are two reviews that Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) have been asked to be undertaking by the NSW Minister of Energy:IPART has commenced its annual review of the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity and gas markets in NSW for the most recent financial year.The report on 2017-18 period will be their fourth annual monitoring report on the retail electricity market and the first reviewing competition in the retail gas market since gas prices were deregulated on 1 July 2017.As part of this review, the NSW Minister for Energy and Utilities has also asked to report on:- electricity and gas price movements from July 2018, and whether any such changes reflect efficient costs in a competitive market, and
- whether retailers are delivering acceptable levels of customer communication and service in their delivery of metering services
As part of the annual review of the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity and gas markets in NSW, IPART have been asked to review NSW electricity retailers’ metering practices, and report on whether retailers are delivering acceptable levels of customer service and communication.What do you need to do?- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- Participate in these reviews by click on the links and having your say on the above topics.
Further InformationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au -
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AER Price Increase 1 July 2018
IMPORTANT INFORMATIONFrom 1 July 2014, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) introduced new regulatory charges for Ancillary Network Services and Metering Services. As an Accredited Service Provider (ASP), Authorised Person (AUP) or Electrical Contractor (EC), you would be aware of the current Ancillary Network Services and Metering Services charges applicable to services you provide to your customers.The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved the new regulatory charges for Essential Energy’s Ancillary Network Services and Metering Services to be implemented from 1 July 2018.You can read more about Essential Energy’s pricing for Ancillary Network Services and Metering Services on our website at: Essential Energy > Our Network > Network Pricing and Regulatory report > Network PricingWhat do you need to do?- Review the 2018 ‘Approved’ Pricing Schedules for Ancillary Network Services and Metering Services available on the Essential Energy website
- Accredited Service Providers, Authorised Persons and Electrical Contractors should consider pricing changes when preparing quotations for customers regarding future work
- Ensure you communicate this information to your customers and employees
For further informationIf you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.com.au
Who's Listening
Phone 02 6933 5956 Email hamish.wheatley@essentialenergy.com.au
Essential Connections
Digital Asset Management
Neara General Information
Neara Training Resources
Neara Training Module 1 - Introduction and Overview
Neara Training Module 5 Underground Design
Neara Refresher Sessions – November 2021.
Neara Refresher Sessions – March 2023
Using Neara - Session 1 for ASPs - Introduction and Navigation (1). (5.52 MB) (pdf)
How to Video: Introduction to Neara
Using Neara - Session 2 for ASPs - OH Design - March 2023 (1). (2.23 MB) (pdf)
How to Video: Overhead Design
Using Neara - Session 3 for ASPs - UG Design - March 2023. (2.21 MB) (pdf)
How to Video: Underground Design
Using Neara - Session 4 for ASPs - Automated Reports and Checks - March 2023 (1). (1.87 MB) (pdf)
How to Video: Automated Reports and Checks
Automated Overhead Construction and Conductor Schedules
Briefing – CEOM7098 issue 16 - Underground Design manual changes (382 KB) (pdf)
ASP Underground Manual update session Aug 2024 (312 KB) (pdf)
Bushfire Priority Zone Transition BFP ASP Comms (101 MB) (mp4)
Essential Energy - Digital Identification User Guide (1.87 MB) (pdf)
Safety Briefs/Alerts
Essential Connections Portal Preview (1.21 MB) (mp4)