Community Batteries

What is a community battery?

Community batteries are a new concept for the energy industry.

They provide a storage solution to harness roof top solar in a way which can be shared to benefit many.

We're excited to be taking part in a federal government initiative to pilot community batteries at three locations across the Essential Energy footprint. At each location, a battery will be connected into our low-voltage distribution network and will be used to store roof top solar energy.

The batteries will be used to:

  • Store solar energy for later use or sharing, and support further solar installations
  • Put downward pressure on household electricity costs
  • Provide a net benefit to the electricity network, through alleviating network congestion
  • Contribute towards lowering emissions

Community Battery Locations

Maloneys Beach

Maloneys Beach information >


Goulburn information >


Leeton information >

Contribute to the discussion

To access and contribute to specific location discussion, you need to register. If you have already registered, please login.

What is a community battery?

Community batteries are a new concept for the energy industry.

They provide a storage solution to harness roof top solar in a way which can be shared to benefit many.

We're excited to be taking part in a federal government initiative to pilot community batteries at three locations across the Essential Energy footprint. At each location, a battery will be connected into our low-voltage distribution network and will be used to store roof top solar energy.

The batteries will be used to:

  • Store solar energy for later use or sharing, and support further solar installations
  • Put downward pressure on household electricity costs
  • Provide a net benefit to the electricity network, through alleviating network congestion
  • Contribute towards lowering emissions

Community Battery Locations

Maloneys Beach

Maloneys Beach information >


Goulburn information >


Leeton information >

Contribute to the discussion

To access and contribute to specific location discussion, you need to register. If you have already registered, please login.

Questions and Feedback

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  • I live in Maloneys Beach. I have solar panels but no battery. However I get reasonable FIT from my excess solar. How will I benefit (and not lose money) with the community battery? I presume my excess solar would go into the community battery, but what recompense would I get for it compared to the fit? I imagine I wouldn't get to use it much since I am a low electricity user and mainly others would benefit more from any solar I put in the community battery.

    PeterK asked 4 months ago

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the question. The installation of the community battery will not impact the FiT that you receive from your retailer. The good news is that nobody loses money from the community battery, the benefits delivered by the battery will be on top of the FiT your retailer provides- we're going to be in Maloneys Beach on Wednesday 6 November to talk with the community about what the benefits of the battery will look like (we've sent out letters with the details of the community meeting). 

    That’s right. Any solar electrons that are exported to the grid and receive a FiT, if not consumed in real time (for instance, by your neighbours), will be stored in the battery for use on the network during times of high demand—generally at nighttime. By storing unused solar energy in the battery, we’re able to power the grid using renewable energy, thereby reducing the use of fossil fuels.



  • What will be the initial cost per customer to be part of the community battery trial? Is there on-going costs and if so, what are they

    John Peasley asked 5 months ago

    Hello John,

    There are no sign-up or ongoing costs to be part of the trial- we're wanting to ensure that this trial is all about benefits to the community.

    We're currently in the final stages of working through what the benefits will look like and how we'll pass them on, we will publish an update to this page shortly. 

    Thanks for the great question.


Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024, 09:27 AM