We can charge customers for the energy they consume using different combinations of all or some of the following three components.
Our existing tariffs
We currently offer four tariffs to our residential and small business customers. These tariffs are not being considered as part of our tariff trials project:
1. Flat Rate tariff 2. Controlled Load tariff 3. Time of Use tariff 4. Demand tariff
You can read more about each of these four 'traditional' tariffs under the 'Traditional tariff fact sheets' section on the right-hand side of the screen.
We can charge customers for the energy they consume using different combinations of all or some of the following three components.
Our existing tariffs
We currently offer four tariffs to our residential and small business customers. These tariffs are not being considered as part of our tariff trials project:
1. Flat Rate tariff 2. Controlled Load tariff 3. Time of Use tariff 4. Demand tariff
You can read more about each of these four 'traditional' tariffs under the 'Traditional tariff fact sheets' section on the right-hand side of the screen.