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Suspension of Authorisation
What is Happening?
In the interest of maintaining a safe and compliant network, Essential Energy would like to formally notify Accredited Service Providers (ASP) our intention when addressing significant incidents or instances of non-compliance.
Incidents that necessitate an investigation or implementation of disciplinary or corrective action, Essential Energy retains the authority to temporarily suspend the company’s authorisation.
Essential Energy will initiate a prior notification and engage in discussions with the ASP before proceeding with the suspension. This allows for a constructive dialogue and an opportunity for the ASP to address any concerns raised during the investigation process.
Upon issuing the suspension notice the ASP is expected to comply immediately upon receiving the notice of suspension and cease all work on or near Essential Energy's network until further notice. For Level 1 ASP they cannot engage the services of other level 1 ASPs or authorised person(s) to conduct contestable work.
To seek reinstatement of their authorisation, the ASP can apply in writing once they have rectified the identified issues and fulfilled all requirements specified in Essential Energy's notice. This application should include supporting evidence demonstrating the resolution of the concerns that led to the suspension.
Continued failure to comply with Essential Energy guidelines will result in an extended suspension and a formal request to the Department of Energy and Climate Change for an ASP regrade.
Essential Energy is committed to fostering a collaborative relationship with its ASPs and endeavours to ensure that all work performed on or near its network adheres to the highest standards of safety and compliance. The suspension process is designed to promote accountability and encourage prompt corrective action to maintain a reliable and safe network.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email