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Subtransmission Design – Powerlines Pro
What is happening?
As Part of being easy to do business with, and listening to your feedback Essential Energy are pleased to share that we are in the process of updating CEOM7081 – Subtransmission Line Design Manual, so that certain Overhead subtransmission projects can be designed utilising Powerlines Pro as the modelling software.
Draft changes to CEOM7081 – Subtransmission Line Design Manual
5.8.2 Design Software for Subtransmission Line Design.
Essential Energy uses specific software packages; PLS Cadd and Powerlines Pro, for subtransmission line design. Essential Energy requires designers submit software files and design material compatible with either PLS Cadd or Powerlines Pro.
PLS Cadd
Weather criteria files for the five weather zones and a weather cases file are listed in Section 6.6 for easy reference.
These files are also available electronically along with computer models of Essential Energy’s standard subtransmission poles, fittings and assemblies for use with the PLS_Cadd software package.
The electronic files are available to Contract Designers who are engaged in subtransmission line design for Essential Energy.
Powerlines Pro
Powerlines Pro may be used to design subtransmission lines where ruling span analysis is acceptable. This typically includes single wood, concrete and steel poles. Currently Powerlines Pro may not be used to submit designs where Finite Element Analysis is required, such as use of structural analysis of H Frame structures, other braced or dual pole structures or towers, or where pole flexibility is a design consideration such as un-stayed strain structures across large spans, e.g. unstayed river crossings.
A Powerlines Pro master file providing a library of Essential Energy’s Conductors, Poles and Constructions is also available on request to Contract Designers.
6.1 Introduction
The structural design methods in this manual are based on ‘limit state’ concepts as recommended by AS/NZS 7000 and parts of this Section of the manual are taken directly from this document.
Whilst the design of subtransmission lines can be carried out manually it is most often carried out with the use of specialised software packages. These may include overhead line design software and pole footing design software.
This structural Section will provide the Essential Energy parameters for designs to be carried out either manually or by software package. In all instances, any software utilised for any complete design or part thereof shall be approved by Essential Energy. To enable checking and future maintenance, Essential Energy requires the use of PLS_Cadd, Powerlines Pro or software that can provide the design in a form readily accepted by PLS_Cadd or Powerlines Pro. The software shall enable design compliance with all relevant codes and regulations and conform to current industry practice.
PLS_Cadd Software Design Criteria files are included in Section 6.6, however, an electronic copy can be provided to Contract Designers for use with PLS_Cadd as used by Essential Energy.
A Powerlines Pro master file providing a library of Essential Energy’s Conductors, Poles and Constructions is also available on request to Contract Designers.
Essential Energy subtransmission lines are to be designed for a one in one-hundred-year return period (RP) for regional wind speeds: RP=100 year (ie annual probability of exceedence = 1/100).
What do you need to do?
- Review the draft text from CEOM7081 – Subtransmission Line Design Manual.
- In July, you can begin utilising Powerlines Pro for overhead subtransmission projects in alignment with the above criteria.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email