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Safety Brief 892 - Ongoing Works in Fire Affected Grounds

What is Happening?
As Essential Energy’s response to the bushfire events across the state continue, we are seeing a number of potentially hazardous situations present themselves to those working on the Essential Energy network.
Safety Brief 892 – Ongoing Works in Fire Affected Grounds is being shared for your information and can be accessed from Essential Energy’s Document Library or Essential Engagement/ASP Engagement.
During this Bushfire time we ask you to:
- Contact your local Network Assurance Facilitator or Essential Energy contact before doing work on or near our network. Where network supply is not available to conduct testing these premises are to be left disconnected and secured with a danger tag. Contact your local Essential Energy representative to co-ordinate connection when the network supply is restored.
- Remember our network is in an abnormal state and ensure that you put your safety first. Be on the lookout for temporary generation connections that may be back-energising installations.
- That all ASPs are only allowed to undertake work on or near the network that they are accredited and authorised to perform (eg only overhead authorised ASPs are to perform overhead service works).
Further Information
If you need further information, please email