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Review of Environmental Factors worksheet update
What is Happening?
Recently there were changes made to legislation which has impacted Essential Energy’s Review of Environmental Factors worksheet CEOF1070.02. The Infrastructure SEPP has been repealed and replaced with the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP 2021. Other minor changes include some government agency names (RMS updated to Transport for NSW, DPIE updated to DPE, DoEE to DAWE),
The new Transport and Infrastructure SEPP will need to be referenced at item 1.9 as follows (rather than the old Infrastructure SEPP clause, as would previously have been referenced):
“The proposed activity is permissible without consent under clause 2.44 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021 (T&I SEPP).”
In addition, any reference to the old Infrastructure SEPP at item 2.1 (Notification requirements) will need to be updated to reference the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP instead.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above information above
- Download a copy of CEOM1070.02 – Issue 7 from the Document Library and start using the new worksheet.
- Inflight projects that have not been submitted should be converted to the new issue 7 version of the worksheet. There is no requirement to update the worksheet version for projects that have already been submitted for certification.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- View this communication via Essential Engagement
Further Information
If you need further information, please email