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Process Improvements June 2018

Design Information Package (DIP) Validity Period

In response to feedback we’ve received from ASPs that validity of a Design Information Package (DIP) for four months is not long enough and does not align with provisions by other DNSPs, Essential Energy has extended the timeframe.

Commencing immediately, all DIPs issued will be valid for a period of 180 days.

All current DIP’s which have been issued and have not yet expired will also now be valid for a total of 180 days.

CEOM7001 - Asset Management and Engineering: Network Mains Design - Construction Drawing Requirements

Revision of our Construction Drawing manual has been finalised and the updated version has been published for external release. Thank you for your patience during the revision process.

Please note that the document now incorporates a comprehensive drawing checklist under section 7 ‘Detail Overview Required for Construction Plans’, which should be utilised when reviewing construction plans prior to submission to Contestable Works.

CEOF6708 - Asset Label Request Form

In response to feedback we’ve received from ASPs that asset label issuing often takes longer than expected (potentially delaying design certification submission, as they are often the final component required to complete a design), we have changed our issuing process.

Asset labels can now be requested via a newly created Operational Form - CEOF6708. This will shorten the issuing timeframe.

CEOF6709 - Contestable Works - Bill of Materials (BOM)

As per clause 5.5.18 of CEOP2015 - General Terms and Conditions for Contestable Works, a Bill of Materials (BOM) is required to be submitted as part of the design certification submission package.

A new Operational Form - CEOF6709 has been created for listing the construction items required for the project and reflect the assets on the construction plan. The BOM should only contain items which are listed within Essential Energy’s manual CEOM7004 - Construction Materials Inventory: Standard Contestable (Approved) Materials List (AML).

Please note that from 1 August 2018, the BOM will be formally required with each Design Submission.

What do you need to do?

  1. Review & download the latest version of these documents located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
  2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

Further Information

If you need further information, please email

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