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Notice of Arrangement (NoA)
Notice of Arrangement (NoA) – August 2023
A Notice of Arrangement (NoA) confirms that a subdivision has adequate electrical infrastructure to:
- Supply electricity to every lot; and
- Provide public lighting (if applicable)
The process for applying for a NoA differs depending on whether your development is part of a contestable works project (i.e., has been given a standard connection offer and requires a Level 1 ASP to upgrade or extend the local network) or not. We are still transitioning across previous processes and systems so please review the options below and follow instructions for your scenario.
Regardless of the process for applying, several documents will be required to support your NoA request – please ensure these documents are included with your application to avoid any additional processing fees and delays:
- A copy of the final surveyors plans that will be submitted to the Land Registry Services (LRS) for registration of the subdivision. Please ensure it includes the surveyor’s reference number.
- A copy of the Council Notice of Determination
- A detailed drawing showing the point of attachment to Essential Energy’s network, service mains location, and the location of the metering / Master Switchboard (MSB) on the lot (mandatory for all new Strata and Community title developments, and Torrens title developments where there is an existing service main and MSB currently installed); and
- Copy of easement documents executed by Essential Energy (if applicable)
Please note: If your project is part of a contestable works project you will not be able to submit a NoA request until:
- The Certificate of Practical Completion has been issued to the Level 1 ASP (this is issued after construction has been completed, inspections undertaken, and all defects rectified); and
- If easements are required, all easement cases relating to the project are in a status of ‘Issued’ or ‘Completed’.
Easements - If you have an easement case in Essential Connections, you must reference your Easement Case number in your NOA Application.
Scenario |
What to do |
I am applying for a NoA where the development is part of a contestable works project and was processed via the contestable works email system. My Project number is a six-digit number – eg 123987.
For example: The design phase of my project was not completed in Essential Connections. |
Please submit a CEOF6016a form via
Please Ensure the Subject line of the email contains the Words “NOA Application for Project xxxxxx” where the six-digit project number is included.
Please provide details about your project and all the relevant details in the latest CEOF6016a form downloaded from the document library. Attach the correct documents in the email.
Our Support team will process the application and if details are missing you will be asked to resubmit more information.
If the project is complete and we have all the correct information we will issue the NoA. |
I am applying for an NoA where there was upgrade or new network assets constructed. AND I have an ECN (Essential Connections Number) for the project AND I have a Connection Application Case number or Construction Case number. AND You are a registered user of the Essential Connections Portal |
You have 2 options:
I am applying for a NoA where the project number starts with ‘ST’ and I don’t know what the ECN (Essential Connection Number) is. |
Step 1: Email and request your ECN and Connection Application case number related to the ST project. Please ensure the Subject line of the email contains the Words “Request for ECN and case numbers for STxxxxxxx” Step 2: Submit via the 'Manage My Standard Connection Projects' menu item on the homepage and then selecting the ‘Request Notice of Arrangement’ icon. Enter your ECN number and the Application or Construction (case) number to commence the process. |
I have a NoA request where the network does not need to be upgraded to meet the power needs of your subdivision.
That is: no network change/addition is required - your NoA relates to a subdivision for residential or commercial where power is already available.
You will need to submit a Connection Application: with the subcategory – “Subdivision – Residential and Commercial” via the Essential Connections portal making sure you select ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Requesting Notice of Arrangement’.
Following submission of your application we will assess your request and provide a NoA if we are satisfied that your request qualifies.
If we require further information from you as part of our assessment, we will advise you of what is required to progress.
If your request doesn’t satisfy our NoA requirements, we will issue you with a Standard Connection Offer and you will need to engage the services of a Level 3 ASP as your next step will be to design the augmentation of our network. |
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email aspinfo@essentialenergy.