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Marchment Hill (MHC) ASP Survey Results

I’d like to share with you all the results of the ASP Survey Essential Energy conducted a few weeks ago – located on the Essential Energy's Document Library.
Thank you to all those who contributed their time to share your feedback and ideas.
This survey (and other diagnostic analysis performed by Marchment Hill) has further highlighted the many areas for improvement in how we work together with you, our ASP partners. We recognise that we have lots to do to say Essential Energy is “easy to do business with” – we will be taking action.
We are now developing these actions. Some of these will involve sessions with our ASP partners so you can help us design our future way of working. I look forward to sharing more information about these
sessions with you in the coming weeks. If you would like to speak to me about this report, our next steps or any other matters please contact me via email or phone listed below.
David Wilson
Network ASP Manager
T: 02 6589 8190