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IPART Reviews of the NSW Energy Market

IMPORTANT: Commencement of IPART Reviews of the NSW Energy Market
Below are two reviews that Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) have been asked to be undertaking by the NSW Minister of Energy:
IPART has commenced its annual review of the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity and gas markets in NSW for the most recent financial year.
The report on 2017-18 period will be their fourth annual monitoring report on the retail electricity market and the first reviewing competition in the retail gas market since gas prices were deregulated on 1 July 2017.
As part of this review, the NSW Minister for Energy and Utilities has also asked to report on:
- electricity and gas price movements from July 2018, and whether any such changes reflect efficient costs in a competitive market, and
- whether retailers are delivering acceptable levels of customer communication and service in their delivery of metering services
As part of the annual review of the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity and gas markets in NSW, IPART have been asked to review NSW electricity retailers’ metering practices, and report on whether retailers are delivering acceptable levels of customer service and communication.
What do you need to do?
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- Participate in these reviews by click on the links and having your say on the above topics.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email