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Important change to the pillar type at the end of cable routes
What is Happening?
Following identification of a potential safety issue, Essential Energy will no longer accept Type 3 pillars installed at the end of a staged LV circuit without both cables terminated.
Our pillars are internally designed to meet IP2X with the lid removed, primarily to protect our own internal employees and ASPs from inadvertent contact with live points while working within the pillar.
Without a second circuit into a Type 3 pillar, the IP rating is lowered and accidental contact between metallic tools or earthed conductors and exposed live points could occur when performing service installations or other maintenance work.
What do you need to do?
To ensure network safety, any designs you submit after today must include the correct pillar type and you must install a Type 6 pillar at the end of cable routes, even if a future stage is planned to be connected at the pillar location.
If a future stage of an underground subdivision requires the pillar to be changed from a Type 6 to a Type 3, design for the next stage will need to specify item 4 (CEOM7202.05 Catalogue no. 400612). When the additional cable is installed, the distribution block within the pillar can be changed from a 3x3 to a 6x3 arrangement.
What do you need to do?
- Review and comply with this requirement.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email