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Essential Energy’s Digital Twin Model has been refreshed
What’s Happening?
Essential Energy has updated the data utilised by the Digital Twin in the Neara platform. Effective 19 November 2024, all new designs will incorporate the latest available data from:
- LiDAR Capture point cloud
- GIS Properties
Essential Energy has also undertaken a fresh round of LiDAR capture in 2023/24. This new LiDAR data has been processed and ingested to the Digital Twin. The map below shows the current LiDAR capture across Essential Energy’s Network.
Bushfire risk priority information is up to date in the Digital Twin and displayed in the GIS properties panel. This removes the need to refer to the “Additional Properties” panel which was communicated in Bushfire Priority rating for Assets on 15 May 2024.
A data integration error has been identified in the digital twin model. This is causing, affected, Pressure Impregnated poles to default to a weaker nominal strength that is ~25% of true strength. This will likely cause the poles to fail tip load calculations and strength checks. The issue will be corrected with a rebuilding of the model early 2025.
ASPs will need to manually change any effected poles with an alternative. A flag has been built that will highlight any effected poles in a design (once work on that pole starts) and offer an appropriate replacement for the ASP to change it to (refer below screenshot). To view the video user guide, click here.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email