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Essential Connections Weekly Update 24th November 2022
Planning Assessment Enquiry
This week we are releasing a new Planning Assessment Enquiry process which effectively replaces the old ‘feasibility DIP’ process. The Planning Assessment Enquiry process is to be used by customers where they would like a formal assessment from our planning team to identify potential network augmentation needs on a project to help inform whether the project should proceed to a formal connection application. Fees apply for this service.
For further information on this service and for information on how to apply please refer to our Planning Assessment Enquiry knowledge article on Essential Support.
Note that the Planning Assessment Enquiry does not give you a binding connection offer and you will still be required to submit a connection application if you want to proceed with the connection.
Standard Auto Approval fee change
The new Essential Connections portal has allowed for a more efficient approval process, an automated approval and offer creation. One example of this is the new Subdivision application where augmentation is known and accepted upfront.
Our existing fee structure has not accounted for this change, a new fee will be added in the next regulatory period. In the interim Essential Energy have made a decision to change the fee charged for a Standard offer where it has been auto approved, to the Connection offer service - Basic fee.
This change will be implemented in the system on 1st December, automatically. You will see the new amount in your invoice from this date.
For more information on Ancillary Network Service fees visit our website, Pricing Schedule for Ancillary Network Services.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above and make your customers aware.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- View this communication via Essential Engagement.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email