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Easement Document Changes

What is happening?
As a result of changes in NSW Land Registry Services, and in an effort to improve our services, Essential Energy has recently amended the following documents:
Easement Requirements CEOP8046
This Policy has now been amended to correct minor formatting and to provide:
- As a result of changes in NSW Land Registry Services, and in an effort to improve our services, Essential Energy has recently amended the following documents:
- Where no electrical work is required, a Surveyor may sign Operational Form CEOF9091 Easements: Advice for Suitability of Easement Documentation. A Surveyor is also now defined.
- Requirements for easements in Western Lands Leases.
- Requirements for easements in National Parks.
- Update to the Power of Attorney details.
- Easement documents may be submitted to Essential Energy prior to being signed by the Landowner (at Essential Energy’s discretion).
Suitability of Easement Documentation CEOF9091
A requirement for the correct submission of easement documentation to Essential Energy is the completion of Operational Form CEOF9091 Easements: Advice for Suitability of Easement Documentation (CEOF9091).
This document must be filled in and submitted by the customer’s chosen Level 3 Accredited Service Provider (ASP) together with any easement documentation requested to be executed/signed by Essential Energy.
To avoid unnecessary delays and assist with Essential Energy efficiently processing easement documentation, CEOF9091 should be provided with the easement documentation.
CEOF9091 should only be provided by the ASP responsible for producing the design for a contestable works project. In circumstances where a Level 3 ASP is not producing a design drawing, it may be acceptable for a Registered Surveyor to complete the document (at the discretion of Essential Energy).
For further advice, please refer to the ASP Broadcast previously issued in October 2017 and Essential Energy’s Easement Requirements policy CEOP8046.
Advice of Creation of Easement CEOF9090
Following registration of the easement, Essential Energy requires Operational Form CEOF9090 Creation of Easement: Solicitor/Licensed Conveyancer’s Advice to be provided including supporting documents, being a copy of:
- the title search showing the registered easement;
- registered dealing creating the easement; and
- registered plan.
CEOF9090 has been amended and updated to allow the form to be completed by any person rather than being limited to a Solicitor or Licenced Conveyancer.
Creation of Easements: For Services CEOF6496
Minor amendments to this Operational Form have been made to reflect the change of name from Land and Property Information NSW to Land Registry Services.
Creation of Easement: Customer and Landowner Deeds CEOF6274 a to e
In addition to minor formatting changes, Annexure C, Confirmation of Instructions has been amended to allow for the electronic or manual lodgement of caveats.
Where applicable, an example letter requesting a bank guarantee and detailing Essential Energy’s requirements is now an annexure to the Deeds. The relevant clause detailing the requirement for a bank guarantee now also includes the information required on the bank guarantee.
Easement Releases
Additional approvals are required to release easements in favour of Essential Energy or its predecessors.
To avoid delays, it is recommended requests for releases are identified early and submitted as soon as possible. Essential Energy will accept release requests prior to receiving formal release documents such as Section 88B Instruments or LRS form 20ECE Cancellation or Extinguishment of an Easement.
A request for release of easement form should be completed and submitted to
Please be aware that easement release requests will require additional documentation to be presented including but not limited to the title search of the affected lot; the registered easement dealing together with the registered plan. The application form and an Information Sheet are now available on Essential Energy’s Document Library under the category of Easements.
When will the changes be implemented?
Essential Energy will continue to accept the current versions of the above forms up to and including 31 December 2018. The new forms will be available from September 2018.
What do you need to do?
- Review & download the latest versions of these documents located on Essential Energy’s Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email