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Design Submissions – Mandatory photos
What is Happening?
There is a saying – “A picture tells a thousand words” When a Design and Certification Officer is reviewing design submissions, a photo can help identify construction constraints or issues with a design that Essential Energy may be aware of. Identifying these issues during certification stage can avoid the need to re-certify a plan during construction.
It is now mandatory for designers to upload site photos to Essential Connections as part of the design submission case. The photos can be uploaded using the file upload function in Essential Connections Portal on the design submission case. Please upload to the “1. Plans, Environmental, DBYD and Safety” section of the case. A zip folder is acceptable to upload.
What photos do we want to see?
Ideally, we would like to see photos of the following:
- The connection point to existing assets, open points etc.
- New asset locations or the pegged locations – showing the surrounding area.
- Site restrictions – like batters or drains, CBD locations, footpaths, proximity to roads or structures.
- Road crossing.
- Stays and any new stay locations.
- Operational sites – Gas Switch, Pole Substation, Padmount easement.
- Vegetation along a route, environmental hazards.
- Any hazards identified in the Designer Safety Report (unless they are already included in report).
- Photos should be time stamped and the file named appropriately – check the settings on your camera/phone.
- For large reconductoring projects, we will not need all pole top photos, just key locations.
- Taking photos of poles in a sequence can help – e.g., pole number, overall pole view, pole top, the to and from spans etc.
- Add all photos in a Zip file to make it easy to upload.
- Google Streetview screenshots are not permitted as site photos.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above and start uploading photos – To allow for inflight projects there will be a grace period up until the 17 of April 2023. Not required for re-certification submissions.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- View this communication via Essential Engagement.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email