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Design & Certification Projected Timeframes

A significantly higher than normal volume of requests – generally associated with an increase in high voltage and solar connection applications – is currently contributing to a delay in Essential Energy issuing Design Information Packages & Design Certifications.
Design Information Packages
Will be issued at minimum of 4 weeks from the date we receive a completed CEOF6010 - Contestable Work: Design Information Application.
Design Certification
Certification for design submission packages will be issued at minimum of 4 weeks from the date we receive a completed CEOF6011 - Contestable Work: Design Submission.
LV Connection Offers
Due to the changes which have occurred as a result from Power of Choice (PoC), the requirement for an approved LV Connection Offer will still be waived when submitting a CEOF6010 - Contestable Work: Design Information Application.
What is Essential Energy doing to reduce the delay?
We are processing requests as quickly as possible.
The low voltage connection offer backlog has now been reduced to a suitable level and has remained steady for several months.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email