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Deferral of payments for ASPs during COVID-19
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses an unprecedented global and national health crisis.
Essential Energy understands that, due to necessary restrictions imposed by response to this pandemic, some ASPs are experiencing limitation or loss of business and associated financial difficulties.
To help those experiencing difficulties, Essential Energy is offering deferral of payment options for network fees and materials for Level 1 and 3 ASPs, including:
- extending the due date on any new invoices by 60 days, effective immediately,
- stopping the credit cycle, reminder letters and final letters up until 31 July 2020, and
- where required, offering ASPs payment plans.
We will continue to work with you during this pandemic to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees, our ASP partners and the communities we serve.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email