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BetterConnect - Design

What's Happening?
Over the last twelve months Essential Energy has engaged with ASPs extensively to understand the many pain points you have in dealing with our connections process.
We are happy to advise that we have recently received approval to implement a pilot product called Salesforce to automate the core Contestable Design Processes. The success of this pilot will assist us in formalisation and implementation of a final solution.
The project will automate the following processes:
- Design Information
- Asset labels
- Notice of Arrangement Only
- Design Certification package
- Easement Documents
- Enquiry
This automation will deliver a more efficient process with faster turnaround times, seamless collaboration with Essential Energy Design and Certification staff, and greater transparency of job status.
This project is the first stage of a larger program of continuous improvement work planned by Essential Energy, with future stages to incorporate more of the Contestable Design processes, as well as construction, commissioning and inspection processes.
Implementation Approach
We have engaged an external provider with significant experience in developing process automation. They previously implemented this same product for the automation of the connections process at PowerCor/CitiPower.
We have also formed a Level 3 ASP Reference Group to work with us through the development stage of the project to ensure what is delivered is fit for purpose for both ASPs and Essential Energy.
We will communicate progress on the project to all ASPs on a regular basis. Once the system becomes available, we will look at running zoom sessions to demonstrate the system. This will be offered to all interested Level 3 ASPs.
More information about the BetterConnect project will be included in the October 2019 ASP Forums - see Essential Engagement for more details on forum locations and timing.
Training and Education
We are in the process of developing our Training and Education program and will be working with the ASP Reference group to understand the best way to deploy training and education to all Level 3 ASPs.
We will provide more details on this as we get closer to releasing the system to all ASPs.
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