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Basic Connections Headlines, getting help and payment options.
The go live date for basic connections coming into Essential Connections is 19 June 2023.
To encourage you to quickly switch across, there will be no fees for CCEWs and NOSWs submitted in Essential Connections from 19 June to 3 July. (Don’t forget, you need to submit the Intent to Connect first).
Secure Web Forms will be closed from 4 July for CCEW & NOSW submissions.
- Previous forms will still be accessible.
- Request for Service Work (ROSW) and Requisition for supply of Frequency Injection Relays (FIRs) will continue to be submitted through Secure Web Forms.
CCEWs and NOSWs will need to be submitted by the authorised/ licenced installer who tested the installation works.
You will need to be individually registered to use the portal.
- Please activate your account if you received a Welcome email from OKTA, Essential Energy’s security platform.
- Please go to Essential Connections Registration and register if you are a new user.
Intent to Connect is new. It’s the bridge between approved applications and service and/or electrical works. It will be submitted by the authorised Level 2 ASP or licenced Electrical Contractor doing the works.
Please note that customers will receive some notifications from now on so it will be important to enter customer details correctly.
Protection Settings Requests and Request for a Switchboard Review >100amps will be done in Essential Connections.
Non-standard approvals (where you seek to vary from our construction standards, the Australian / New Zealand wiring rules (AS/NZ 3000) and the NSW Service and Installation rules (SIRs)) will be submitted in Essential Connections. A fee, approved under the Regulatory Framework, will apply to non-standard approvals from 19 June 2023.
Need help? Here’s what’s available.
Self-help resources:
We will share all the links next week.
- Short videos for every activity/ form.
- Step-by-step guides.
Drop-in sessions.
We will hold information and help sessions from 13 June until late July, at 7:30am, 12 noon and 5pm. You can join a session and ask questions and get help. We will share the schedule for this next week.
Essential Energy Contact Centre.
- Call 13 23 91 (General Enquiries).
- Contact
Payment options.
- If your business does L1 and L3 works on the Essential Energy network your current invoices for your L1 and L3 works is charged to your 30-day account.
- For your business, when we go live on 19 June with Drop 4, your invoices for NOSW and CCEW will also be charged to your 30-day account. You will no longer pay for these invoices up front. This also means that the invoice won’t be created in Essential Connections but will be emailed to you from our finance system just like happens for your L1 and L3 works.
What do you need to do?
- Re-read previous information to ensure you’re as ready as possible.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- View this and past communication via Essential Engagement.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email