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ASP Update: Essential Connections Weekly Update 3rd November 2022
Essential Connections Weekly Update 3rd November 2022
Projects with 2 applications and therefore 2 Essential Connections Numbers (ECNs)
It has come to our attention that some projects in Essential Connections have 2 application cases and 2 ECNs. This only applies to some cases which were raised in the old portal and migrated across to Essential Connections, requiring the creation of ‘dummy’ applications for all design jobs to flow through the new portal.
There are two different scenarios:
- A Connection Application was created in Essential Connections after Drop 1 (June 2022) and a DIA was requested in the old design portal prior to Drop 2 – in this scenario, the original Connection Application and the ‘dummy’ application both exist within Essential Connections, each with their own ECN; or
- A DIA was requested in the old design portal that has not yet had a Connection Application processed – in this case, when the Connection Application is applied for it will generate its own ECN (with the DIA already having a different ‘dummy’ application and ECN created during the migration process).
If you find you have a project in either scenario, please:
- Use the DIA ECN and related ‘dummy’ application case number for your design requests (easements, non-standard approvals, asset labels).
- If you need to obtain a connection offer prior to Design Submission, add a note into the collaboration section of the design submission case by creating a post, and entering the new Connection Application case number and ECN. The Design and Certification Officer will then ‘link’ the two ECNs together within the system for future reference. You will not see this linking in the external portal.
Important changes to the standard construction schedule & earthing verification process
As you know, changes to the standard construction schedule will be taking effect soon. Whilst the target date for these changes to occur was initially the 21st of November 2022, we are exploring options to delay these changes to minimise any impact to you and your colleagues. You will be advised once we have a confirmed date.
More information on the changes was covered in yesterday’s drop-in session along with upcoming changes to the earthing verification process. For anyone who was unable to attend or would like to refer back to it, a link to the recording will soon be made available to you.
Need help?
A registered user guide has been published on our Essential Connections Support to help you navigate the new design portal. Note: If the latest version (October 2022) doesn’t appear, select the CTRL+F5 keys together to refresh the guide.
Our last support session will be held next week to answer any questions you may have. An FAQ document will then be made available to you to assist with any questions and concerns offline.
Session Details |
Associated link |
Essential Connection Design Go Live Support Session 9th November 2022 8:30AM – 9:30AM (AESDT) |
For design specific training, click on the recording to access the Level 3 ASP design training Recording.
What do you need to do?
- Access our Essential Connections Support to view our registered user guide.
- Sign up to the above session to have your questions answered live.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email