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ASP Co-Design Workshop May 2018

I would like to take the opportunity to thank those ASPs for their participation and attending the workshops in May 2018.
The methodology we used to deliver these workshops recognises that for us to get different results, we need to apply a different approach. While each workshop dealt with a specific issue or problem, both workshops shared objectives that focused not only on the problems we need to solve, but how we solve problems, for example:
- Embedding a new, collaborative approach to problem solving, recognising that the best solution is one that considers and reconciles the needs of everyone in the process – particularly the end customer
- Prioritising progress over perfection – incremental improvement
- Strengthening our relationship by getting to know each other and putting faces to names
We have collected a lot of useful insights and ideas from the workshops that will feed into our next phase of work. Located on Essential Energy’s Document Library the ASP Co Design Workshops Playback document provides an overview of the workshops and a summary of the outputs.
To keep the document as concise as possible we have not played back every piece of feedback, however all feedback has been captured.
What have we done since?
Since the workshops we have ran internal sessions to take two ideas from the Co-Design workshops and progress them into a working prototype that can be tested and deployed.
- Design Certification - Application Form
- Improving the clarity and usability of the form
- Assurance – Inspections Matrix
- Creating a simple, clear and risk-based methodology for inspecting works
These prototypes are in development with the intention to test and deploy these as soon as possible.
Next Steps
We are out for tender for a partner to help us manage the prioritisation plan of attack, this will slow the process for a short period however we are still working on things that have been identified.
We have a long list of issues that we need to work through over the coming weeks, months and years, this will be a significant change program for the Commercial Services Branch. In addition to short term “Quick Win” changes, we are focused on developing a detailed work plan and procuring support to help us deliver this next phase effectively.
I will keep you informed on progress and opportunities to be involved as we firm up the plan, this will take some time. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
David Wilson
Network ASP Manager
T: 02 6589 8190