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2024-25 Bushfire Danger Period Awareness

What is Happening?

With the bushfire season commencing, it’s important to understand and incorporate risk mitigation strategies into our work activities to minimise potential impacts of bushfire on the community and comply with relevant legislation.

The official bushfire danger period for 2024-2025 commenced from 1 September 2024 in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) listed below.

The official bushfire danger period is expected to commence in remaining LGAs from 1 October 2024.

You and your customers can learn about bushfire and management strategies

The Get Ready Weekend, organised by the Rural Fire Service in NSW, aims to prepare locals for bush fire season with events in 500 locations. Main events are on 21-22 September 2024. Contact your local brigade for event details and check the related links for more information on fire preparedness and risk.

Please note: There may be a requirement for Essential Energy to review and possibly suspend requested outages in certain situations if bushfires hazards are severe.

What do you need to do?

Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

Further Information

If you need further information, please email

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