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2023-24 Bushfire Danger Period
What is Happening?
Essential Energy recognises the importance of incorporating management strategies crucial to mitigating the risk and impact of bush fire on the community and ensures that the effects of its work activities on bushfires are minimised and comply with the relevant legislation.
In response to past bush fire events which resulted in a devastating loss of life and property, the NSW Government introduced legislative changes to ensure bushfire matters are considered in the development and maintenance processes within our industry. At present, all new development on bush fire prone land must comply with Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019 which sets out the basis for all bushfire planning and bushfire protection measures.
The spring 2023 bushfire outlook issued by the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) emphasises the need for immediate community and business preparedness. Australia's climate has changed since last spring, with a transition to higher temperatures and lower rainfall predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology. This shift follows years of above average rainfall during La Nina seasons.
Be Prepared
Each of us should have a bushfire survival plan in place and be ready, even if the time never comes. Download the Hazards Near Me app and be notified when fires occur within your area.
There may be a requirement for Essential Energy to review and possibly suspend requested outages in certain situations if bushfires hazards are severe.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email