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Safety Alert – SA-85-21_ASP Wooden Pole Failure on Jinker in transit

What is Happening?

During transit, one of two condemned wooden poles being transported on a Jinker trailer failed, and part of the pole was ejected. The operator did not notice that only the butt of the pole remained on the Jinker until he arrived back at the depot. Workers located the ejected pole section approximately 15km from the depot.

This incident follows another recent incident as reported in Safety Brief 961_ASP Pole Failure on Jinker in Transit.

Safe loading of vehicles and restraint of loads are critically important in preventing injury to people and damage to property.

This High Potential Incident puts workers, members of the public and other motorists that we share the roadways with at risk.

What do you need to do?

  1. Download and review Safety Alert – SA-85-21_ASP Wooden Pole Failure on Jinker in Transit located on the Document Library and Essential Engagement.
  2. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
  3. View this communication via Essential Engagement at

Further Information

If you need further information, please email

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