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Bushfire Priority rating for Assets
IMPORTANT: Essential Energy have updated our Bush Fire Priority Ratings
Over the past 12 months, Essential Energy has updated their Bushfire Priority Ratings (BPR). The modelling used to determine the ratings has been improved through the energy networks Australia project IGNIS. This was a joint collaboration between several utilities and the University of Melbourne. For more information relation to the bushfire modelling change please click here.
What this means is that many areas that were a Priority 1 have changed and other areas in the state have been updated to Priority 1.
The map below shows the changes.
We store these BPRs in our GIS system. The GIS data has now been updated and pole reports and information in your Design Information Packs will now have the new BPR - P1 to P4.
Remember that P1 areas require specific design parameters for circuit clearance. Refer to CEOM7097 – Overhead Design Manual, Clause 3-4-4-4 Special requirements for bushfire risk areas.
NEARA GIS parameters
Designers would be aware that NEARA has GIS information when you select a pole.
Please note unfortunately, due to technical reasons, these BPR changes are not yet reflected within the GIS shown in Neara against each pole. Until the network model in Neara is updated, you will need to refer to the “Additional Properties” panel against each pole selected.
See the screenshots below for help in finding this data.
Please update your inflight designs from the master file to view the updated bushfire risk priority in the additional properties panel for each pole.
The links below will assist you in updating your design from the master file.
All of Essential Energy’s how-to guides and training videos are available on Essential Energy’s Digital Asset Management page at the link below.
What do you need to do?
- Review the above information and check the design information for latest Bushfire Priority Ratings.
- When in NEARA, please refer to the BPR noted in the Additional Properties Panel.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email