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Updated Essential Energy model standing offers
Essential Energy has updated its suite of model standing offers (MSOs) to align with emerging network and customer requirements. The previous suite of five MSOs has been rationalised to three:
- Basic connection service (with or without embedded generation)
- Standard connection service (with or without embedded generation)
- Standard connection (subdivision) service
Benefits include:
- providing the connecting customer with detailed information to ensure visibility of the processes and steps required to connect to Essential Energy’s network
- formalising the process of gifting customer-funded assets to Essential Energy for Standard connections
- highlighting site-specific conditions attached to the Connection Offer
Deed of Transfer
Our updated Standard connection and Standard connection (subdivision) MSOs now include a Deed of Transfer - Gifted Assets that outlines the terms of engagement between the customer/developer and Essential Energy.
The new MSOs and Deed of Transfer are effective as of 1 July 2024. Contestable works projects commencing after this date will be required to enact the Deed of Transfer prior to connection of customer-funded assets to the network.
What do you need to do?
- Familiarise your team with the new Deed of Transfer – available as an appendix to the new MSOs on Essential Energy’s website.
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
- Review the updated MSOs, on Essential Energy’s website.
What will we do?
- Design a new process, in collaboration with Level 1 ASPs, for the administration of the Deed of Transfer
- Provide ongoing updates and advice as we implement the new requirement.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email