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Surveyors Advice Requirements – Additional Information
What is Happening?
We have received feedback on the challenges being faced when a job requires surveyor's advice. As a result, we have undertaken working groups with ASPs and Surveyors and shared the first steps on 9 October 2023. To recap we have updated the CEOF2579 - Surveyor’s Advice, surveyors now have the option to provide a stamped asset location survey plan instead of a letter.
To further assist we would like to suggest that you consider the following to help you commence construction within the desired timeframe:
- Customer or ASP engages the Surveyor early in the project.
- Surveyor pegs out the boundaries and asset locations for the constructor.
- Construction works are completed within the pegged boundaries.
- When practicable for underground assets, the trench is left open until the Network Assurance Facilitator (NAF) can visually sight the cable/conduits and confirm the assets are being constructed within the pegged boundaries/easement at mid-construct (where applicable.
- Arrange for the Surveyor to attend site (prior to backfilling) to sight and confirm location of installed assets.
- Provide detailed photos that clearly show peg locations relative to the trench or cable installation – use a measuring device to provide scale in the photo.
As a reminder, it is a requirement of CEOP2015 - Contestable Works Guidelines that asset locations are confirmed by survey to be located within an easement area, or within the road reserve and Essential Energy’s asset allocation. It is very important that the assets are installed as per the certified design so as to avoid safety issues or legal disputes in the future. To ensure a safe, reliable distribution network, our assets need to be protected.
If you are unable to engage a surveyor for a specific job, please speak to your local Network Assurance Facilitator (NAF) to discuss exceptional circumstances, this will be escalated and considered on a case-by-case basis.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email