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Reminder: Notice to Commence Construction and Notice of Required Outage/Connection Requests
Important Notice: Outage Scheduling and Contestable Works Process
Essential Energy has observed instances where outages have been scheduled prior to the submission of CEOF6012 - Notice to Commence Construction (NTCC). Additionally in some cases, easements have not yet been finalised, resulting in some outages requiring rescheduling.
To streamline our processes and ensure smoother project execution, please note the following:
- NTCC Submission: A CEOF6013 - Notice of Required Outage/Connection request will not be processed until an NTCC has been accepted and a startup meeting scheduled.
- Contestable Works Submission: For projects not being administered via Essential Connection, all forms must be emailed to
Note, outage requests will only be processed via the contestable works inbox after the NTCC has been processed.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email