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Reminder: CEOF6012 - Notice to Commence Constructions to be submitted via Essential Connections Portal
What is happening?
Effective from 1 December 2024, CEOF6012 - Notice to Commence Constructions will no longer be accepted via email for those that have been onboarded to Essential Connections. This notice must be submitted through the Essential Connections Portal as a Construction Case and will require the Essential Connection Number (ECN) and the issued Design Submission case number.
If your company was unavailable to attend one of the onboarding training sessions, please complete your CEOF6012 - Notice to Commence Construction and email, the submitter will be contacted to arrange your company’s onboarding training session, on how to submit your Level 1 Projects via Essential Connections Portal.
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email