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Reminder Ancillary Network Services 2024-29


Essential Energy recently received the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Final Distribution Determination for Ancillary Network Services covering the 2024-29 Regulatory Control Period (RCP). This determination regulates the pricing structure for Essential Energy to provide services to external customers.

What does this mean for you?

From 1 July 2024, Essential Energy will implement approved Ancillary Network Services as per the AER’s determination.

To help you understand these services we have provided the Ancillary Network Services 2024-29 ASP Change Overview document that outlines the changes in services and pricing structures. In addition, we have provided you with an Essential Energy Complexity Matrix Calculator (Open in Edge browser). These items can be downloaded from Essential Energy’s Document Library.

Please note, however, that throughout the 2024-29 RCP, Essential Energy may introduce several new regulatory services in targeted areas, based on external feedback, statutory changes and to better reflect the way services are provided.

Additionally, implementation of the AER’s determination by Essential Energy from 1 July 2024 will incur CPI and other cost increases each year until 30 June 2029. ASPs should review service and price changes when preparing quotations for future work.

Where is information about the changes available?

Read more about the determination, and access the final full-service pricing on Essential Energy's website called Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services - 1 July 2024

Visit the AER website to view all documents associated with the final determination at Essential Energy - Determination 2024-29. For ease of reference, Attachment 16 on the AER web site outlines the new charges for Ancillary Network Services: AER Final Decision Attachment 16 - Alternative Control Services.

What do you need to do?

  1. Review the final Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services 1 July 2024 located on Essential Energy's website and Document Library
  2. Review the Essential Energy Complexity Matrix Calculator (Open in Edge browser) on Document Library.
  3. Refer to our previous communication relating to Draft Ancillary Network Services 2024-29 published on Essential Engagement on 21 May 2024, to view click here.
  4. Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation

Further Information

If you need further information, please email

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