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Reminder ASP Registration and Authorisation for Non-Electrically Qualified Workers

On 9th September 2016, the NSW Government gazetted changes to the NSW Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Scheme Rules (the Scheme). This revision introduced new Level 1 and 2 classifications for non-electrically qualified personnel (Class 1X or Class 2X – Non-electrically qualified).
ASPs must ensure all non-electrically qualified workers are registered with the Scheme prior to submitting an authorisation application to Essential Energy; this includes both initial authorisations and renewal of existing authorised workers.
Essential Energy will, on receipt of a valid and successful applications, authorise the ASP worker(s) aligned to the new class(es) of accreditation and issue a new authorisation card.
What do you need to do?
- Review the briefing paper titled ‘20180910_Briefing - Non-Electrically Qualified Workers’ located on Essential Energy's Document Library
- Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation
Further information
If you need further information, please email