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New Standard Connection Application Category - New Connection for Load without NMI

What is happening?

Essential Connections has been updated to include a Standard Connection Application category 'New Connection for Load without NMI'.

This category is only to be to used as part of a standard connection for load that requires network augmentation where a National Metering Identifier (NMI) is not available at the time of starting the design.

Standard connections using ‘New Connection for Load without NMI’ must provide a NMI prior to connecting any related assets. The NMI should be submitted to the Network Assurance Facilitator during the construction start-up meeting.

Note: If you choose ‘New Connection for Load without NMI’ for your connection project and you were not eligible, you will need to submit a new application using the correct application category.

What do you need to do?

Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.

Further Information

If you need further information, please email

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