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Basic Connections – Updates and reminders
Please note the following reminders about Notice of Service Works (NOSW) and Switchboards > 100 amps.
1. NOSWs have a mandatory document upload – Please attach a dummy/ blank document if required until further notice.
NOSW submission requires attachment of a document. Documents can include sketches, drawings and any other documents to support the submission of the NOSW.
If there are no documents needed to support your NOSW, please attach a ‘dummy’ (blank) document to allow submission to occur.
We are working to change this requirement and will let you know when attachment of a dummy document is no longer required.
2. Reminder: Application for Protection Settings and Switchboard approvals (rated above 100 amps) are now done through Essential Connections.
This is a 2-step process which can be done as soon as the Application is approved and needs to be completed before installation / works.
CCEW and/ or NOSW cannot be submitted if these are not complete.
Information and guides are here: Protection Settings and Switchboard Review.
Don’t forget - these help options are always available for you:
- Essential Energy Contact Centre Call 13 23 91 (General Enquiries)
- Contact
What do you need to do?
Communicate this information to relevant members of your organisation.
Further Information
If you need further information, please email