On track to submit Revised Proposal
Essential Energy submitted its 2024-29 Regulatory Proposal (Proposal) to the AER on 31 January 2023. As part of the regulation process the AER reviewed the Proposal and on 28 March 2023 the AER released an Issues Paper setting out its preliminary findings and aspects of the Proposal that require further consultation.
Essential Energy continues to engage with customers and customer advocates to work through the questions raised by the AER.
We have also established the Essential People’s Panel (EPP), to enable direct engagement with a representative group of Essential Energy customers. The purpose of the EPP is to provide a forum for Essential Energy to directly engage with customers on issues relevant to residential and small business customers such as pricing and affordability, reliability and resilience, customer service and communication.
The EPP comprises 21 connected residential and small business customers from across our network. The EPP are focusing on regulatory proposal issues this year however the group will continue after the Regulatory Proposal 2024-29 has been determined.

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